economics of military bridgework. Upon receiving an acquiescent reply, Major Lewis proceeded to the Capital, consulted Major General Beach, the Chief of Engineers, and made a like suggestion to him. The result
was that the General agreed to write a "Foreword" for the chapter, and
detailed Col. P. S. Bond, in consultation with some of his brother officers,
to do the writing. The author deems the outcome an exceedingly valuable
addition to his book; and he hopes that many of his readers, in consequence
of its perusal, will be induced to take such an interest in military bridge
engineering as to ensure that they shall be better prepared to serve our
country in case of war than were most of the civilian engineers when the
call to arms came in 1917.
It is intended that this shall be the last technical book which the author
will ever write, for reasons explained in the concluding chapter; and he
hopes that it and its immediate predecessor, "Bridge Engineering," will,
for many a year to come, prove of real service to the engineers of his
specialty, in the advancement of which, almost ever since graduation
forty-five years ago, he has taken an intense and absorbing interest.