Tenth. Shifting channel.
Eleventh. High wind pressures to be provided for.
Twelfth. Wide deck.
Thirteenth. Necessity for quick operation.
A low vertical clearance is evidently favorable to the vertical lift. The
real factor in this case is the required vertical movement of the lift span.
A greater clearance above the water when the span is down favors the
vertical lift; since, for any required clear height with the span raised, the
vertical movement is reduced.
A large horizontal clearance favors the vertical lift in comparison with
the bascule. For a given weight of moving span, the towers, counter-weights, and machinery of a, vertical-lift bridge are independent of the span-length, while those items for a bascule vary nearly directly therewith.
As will be explained fully later on in this chapter, the ratio of vertical
and horizontal clearances for equal costs of bascules and vertical lifts is
generally about unity, being somewhat less for short and light spans, and
materially greater for long and heavy ones.
Increased weight of span is favorable to the vertical lift. This is
chiefly due to the weight of the rear legs and bracing of the towers, which,
for a given height thereof, are nearly as heavy for light spans as for heavy
ones. For a very light span and high vertical clearance, the weight of the
towers may nearly equal that of the span; whereas, for a heavy span and
the same vertical clearance, it may be only one-third of the said weight.
There is no such variation in the case of the bascule, since the weight of the
bracing is a smaller proportion of the total weight of the towers and counterweight trusses.
A layout in which the economic length of the flanking-spans is much
greater than the proper length of a bascule tower-span favors the vertical
lift. In such a case the rear legs of the vertical-lift towers rest on the
flanking-spans without producing any material stresses therein. But in
bascules with overhead counterweights it will be necessary to put in an
additional pier, or to carry the weight of the counterweight on one of the
flanking-spans, or to put the counterweight trunnion over the pier and
cantilever the flanking-span out to support the trunnions of the moving
span. The first method is most economic where the substructure is
cheap, and the third generally where the substructure is expensive. The
third scheme requires ample fenders to protect the cantilevered portions
from passing vessels. In deep water these fenders may be impracticable
or very costly, thus making the second arrangement the best.
Over a canal, or a small canalized river, the layout often calls for a
movable span and two short approach spans. In such a case four piers
will be required for either the bascule or the vertical lift. This case is
nearly always less favorable to the vertical lift than the layout where long
flanking-spans are called for.
Deep foundations and expensive piers are favorable to the vertical lift,