From Fig. 55ccc, on p. 1273 of B.E., we find the required weight to be 20,500 lbs.
Example No. 9
What is the yardage in a concrete pier with rounded ends and a half-inch batter, having no coping, the extreme top dimensions being 8' and 28' and the height 52'?
From Fig. 56b, on p. 1302 of B.E., we find the yardage of the two half-truncated cones to be 160; and from Fig. 56d, on p. 1304 thereof, we find the yardage of a strip one foot wide to be 19.5; hence the total volume will be
160 + (28-8) X 19.5 = 550 cu. yds.
Example No. 10
What is the yardage in a column-pedestal 4.5' square on top, 14' high, and having a batter of two inches to one foot?
From Fig. 56k, on p. 1311 of B.E., we find the volume to be 25.2 cu. yds.
Example No. 11
What is the yardage in a wing abutment for a single-track-railway embankment having side slopes of one and a half to one, the vertical distance from foundation to base of rail being 28', the height of parapet 7', that of base 2', that of coping 1', and that of wing walls at ends 14'?
The height from bottom of coping to top of base will be about 17', the greatest height of wing wall above top of base 25', and the least height thereof above same 12'.
From Figs. 56o and 56p, on pp. 1315 and 1316 of B.E., we find the following