G.W. Prescott -- Iowa Algae
Prescott did not provide an index to genera and species in this work. There were also some variations in spelling and fullness of forms of names of the authors of various taxa. The present index is an attempt to reconcile differences in usage as well as to provide a system of hypertext links to the text and plates.
Those beginning the study of the algae who might stumble upon this book should be aware that many of the names of genera and species are no longer recognized as systematically correct for the biological entities described. This index is not an attempt to resolve those systematic issues, but merely an attempt to render the nomenclature consistent throughout.
The forms of names of authors follow, as much as possible, those listed in Brummitt & Powell (1992) and later online additions. In resolving differences in spelling, I relied on various sources, preferring later works of Prescott and original sources of the names. Other reference sources were used to confirm these first choices. Systematists will, I hope, forgive my errors in this regard.
John Jeffrey Dodd, compiler.