Note 123. Navicula ambigua f. craticula Van Heurck
In the Atlas this is given as "N. ambigua, forme craticulaire"
Note 124. Navicula aspera Ehrenb. The Texte
incorrectly gives the illustration number as Suppl. fig 27
Note 125. Navicula atomoides [?] Grunow = Navicula minima Grunow ? The note in the caption to this illustration is "forme moyenne entre le N. atomoides et le N. minima"
Note 126. Navicula atomus (Autor nec Kütz.) = Navicula muralis f. minuta Grunow For reasons given in Note 128 (N. atomus Nägeli) "Autor" is probably Van Heurck rather than Grunow, and the name "f. minima" should perhaps be ascribed to Van Heurck.
Note 127. Navicula atomus formae tenuistriatae Grunow In the index volume, p. 115, Van Heurck corrects the spelling of the epithet from tenustriata to tenuistriata. The caption for the figure, however, gives "[N. atomus] formae tenustriatae. The note in the errata suggests that the intended name was probably Navicula atomus f. tenuistriata [Grunow]
Note 128. Navicula atomus Nägeli [sic] Perhaps better given as N. atomus (Kütz.) Grunow, as noted in VanLandingham (p 2442). Kützing described Amphora ? atomus in 1844; in 1849 he listed Synedra atomus Nägeli in litt. = Amphora atomus Kütz. [1844], the latter evidently intended by Kützing
(at least. by 1849) as a synonym. There is no listing in Kützing 1849 for Amphora atomus in the section on the genus Amphora. Of the group of illustrations of A. atomus (Taf. 30 fig. 70) in Kütz. 1844, the last could possibly be one of the smallAmphorae. The others look more like minute Naviculae. None match the current circumscription of Synedra, or indeed, I think, that given in Kützing 1849. Grunow (1860) apparently made the combination Navicula atomus (Kütz.) Grunow. The synonymy given for Navicula atomoides Grunow (Van Heurck
Atlas Pl. 14 fig. 12) is doubly puzzling:: "N. atomus Autor. nec Kg." If the "Autor" in question is Grunow (who drew the figure), then the "nec Kg." collides with N. atomus (Kütz.) Grunow (1860) as given in VanLandingham. This would make N. atomus Grunow in Van Heurck an unlikely choice of names by Grunow. If "Autor" refers to Van Heurck, it is again odd, considering that Pl. 14, fig. 24, is given as N. atomus Naegeli, Kütz. in the Atlas and N. atomus Naeg. in text. There is no listing in Van Landingham for either Navicula atomus Grunow or
Navicula atomus Van Heurck. Today N. atomoides Grunow (Atlas
Pl. 14 fig.12) is regarded as the same as N. minima Grunow, while N. atomus Grunow (Atlas Pl. 14 fig.15) is, as noted in Patrick and Reimer 1966, given properly as N. atomus (Kütz.) Grunow. The Grunow in Van Heurck illustration (Atlas Pl. 14 fig. 24) is referred-to neither in VanLandingham nor in Patrick and Reimer 1966, though both make reference to the species Synedra atomus Naeg. in litt. reported in Kütz. 1849, which is apparently what Van Heurck (in the Texte) calls Navicula atomus Naegeli and which Grunow (if it were he who wrote the plate caption as well as making the drawing) refers to as
N. atomus Naegeli !, Kütz. My guess is that Van Heurck wrote the caption and that the (!) refers to Grunow's specimen. The "Autor" would thus be Van Heurck and as noted, N. atomus Van Heurck appears to be a nomen nudum.. Such a lot of ink to have spilled on such a wretched group of organisms.
Note 129. Navicula bottnica Grunow The last entry on caption page misprinted 23, but should be 33
Note 130 Navicula brevis W.Greg. Atlas
caption adds the words "magis typica"
Note 131. Navicula cincta f. minuta Van Heurck This taxon is given in the Texte, but without illustration, description or Type
Note 132. Navicula cryptocephala var. intermedia Van Heurck Variety intermedia is mentioned in Texte (p. 84) without illustration number.
Note 133. Navicula cryptocephala var. veneta (Kütz.) Rabenh. In Texte this is reported as illustrated by both fig. 3 and fig. 4. In Atlas the caption for fig. 4 says that it is the same as fig. 2, i.e. N. cryptocephala var. exilis
Note 134. Navicula dicephala Ehrenb. Author given as W.Sm. but should be Ehrenb.
Note 135. Navicula falaisensis Grunow In
errata (index vol. p. 115) Van Heurck corrects the spelling of the epithet from falaisiensis to falaisensis.
Note 136. Navicula formosa W.Greg. The
caption adds the word "typica". I think this was a descriptive remark, not a formal name.
Note 137. Navicula gracilis Ehrenb. The
Texte gives the author incorrectly as Kütz. The caption for the figure in the Atlas errs in giving the author as (Ehrenb.) Kütz.
Note 138. Navicula kamorthensis Grunow This species is mentioned in the caption for Pl. 11, fig. 20, (Navicula humerosa Bréb. )
Note 139. Navicula lamprocampa Kütz. ? = Nitzschia lamprocampa Hantzsch Kützing's illustration (1844 Taf. 4, fig. V (4)) looks like a Nitzschia of some sort. Taf. 4 fig V (1-3) are shown with a sigmoid raphe along the center line of the valve and perhaps represent a
Pleurosigma or Gyrosigma.
Note 140. Navicula lanceolata f. curta Grunow
The Texte gives the illustation number as to Pl. 7, fig. 17, but should read Pl. 8, f. 17.
Note 141. Navicula lata var. minor W.Greg.
The Texte indicates this as present in Type no. 63 and refers to it as intermediate between N. borealis Ehrenb. and N. lata Bréb. There is neither illustration nor further description.
Note 142. Navicula lyra Ehrenb. In Atlas the terms "elliptica" for fig. 2 and "typica" for fig. 1 are evidently intended as descriptions, not names.
Note 143. Navicula menisculus var. upsalensis Grunow = Navicula peregrina var. menisculus f. upsaliensis (Grunow) Van Heurck In the index vol. (p. 115) Van Heurck says that N. upsaliensis should be read as N. upsalensis. However this taxon is actually named in the Texte as Navicula peregrina var. menisculus f. upsaliensis, with the "i" again inserted.
Note 144. Navicula minima [?] Grunow Note
in caption reads "forme moyenne entre le N. minima et le N.atomoides"
Note 145. Navicula molaris Grunow The figure is misnumbered 20 in the caption.
Note 146. Navicula mutica Kütz. [?] = Navicula mutica var. goeppertiana (Bleisch) Grunow The caption reads "type original du Navicula mutica Kütz."
Note 147. Navicula ostrearia (Gaillon) Bory = Navicula fusiformis var. ostrearia (Gaillon) Grunow The author is given as Turpin nec Bréb., but Van Landingham (p. 2706) gives the basionym as
Vibrio ostrearius Gaillon 1820 and shows the combination as Navicula ostrearia (Gaillon) Bory 1824. Turpin's figure is indicated as published in 1828.
Note 148. Navicula parva (Ehrenb.) Ralfs = Navicula stauroptera var. parva Grunow The caption is misnumbered Plate 6 fig. 5.
Note 149. Navicula permagna (Bailey) A.M.Edwards The original author is given in Texte and Atlas as Bailey. The basionym is Pinnularia permagna Bailey.
Note 150. Navicula polyonca Bréb. In the key to species (Texte p. 75) the name is given in error as N. mesolyta
Note 151. Navicula rabenhorstii Grunow The
Texte indicates that this species is present in Type no. 63 and notes that it is intermediate between N. borealis Ehr. and N. lata Bréb. The name is given Without illustration or further description.
Note 152. Navicula schumanniana Grunow In
Texte (p. 225) Van Heurck corrects spelling of specific epithet from schumaniana to schumanniana
Note 153. Navicula serians Bréb. In
the Atlas the author is given as (Bréb.) Kütz.. Van
Landingham (p. 2796) gives the author as Bréb. in Kütz.
Note 154. Navicula serians var. brachysira Van Heurck The figure number in Texte is misprinted as 126, which is actually the Type number.
Note 155. Navicula splendida W.Greg. In
discussion of Navicula bomboides the illustration for N. splendida
is given as Pl. 5 fig. 14, but should have been given as Pl. 9, fig. 4.
Note 156. Navicula thuringiaca Kütz. = Pleurosigma angulatum (J.T. Quekett) W.Sm. Van Heurck gives the combination
Pl. thuringiaca [(Kütz.) Ralfs] (corrected to Pl. thuringiacum on p. 115, index vol.) as being the proper name, but rejects it in favor of the later, but better known, name Pl. angulatum. Patrick and Reimer (1966, p. 332) note that Kützing placed Frustulia attenuata Kütz. ex parte (1833) in synonymy with his N. thuringiaca (1844). Patrick and Reimer note further that the Kützing material for F. attenuata does not appear to contain specimens corresponding to what Kützing figured as N. thuringiaca. They concluded that retention of the name Pl. angulatum (J.T. Quekett) W.Sm. was preferable to changing it "on quite dubious grounds."
Note 157. Navicula trevelyana Donkin The
illustration should only be fig. 6, not fig. 5, 6 as given in Texte.
Note 158. Navicula tuscula Ehrenb. The author
is given as (Ehrenb.) Grunow in the Atlas. Ehrenberg seems to have used both
Pinnularia and Navicula as generic names for this species in 1840
(41) but most authorities accept Navicula as prior.
Note 159. Nitzschia amphibia var. acutiuscula Grunow The varietal epithet is corrected (index vol. p 116) from actiuscula to acutiuscula
Note 160. Nitzschia amphioxys W. Sm. = Hantzschia amphioxys (Ehrenb.) Grunow The specific epithet is misspelled amphyoxis for both the name and synonym.
Note 161. Nitzschia closterium Eulenst. = Nitzschia reversa W.Sm. Grunow also considers Synedra closterioides Grunow synonymous, but this is not recognized by later authors.
Note 162. Nitzschia distans var. tumescens Cleve et Möller The author is given in error as Grunow.
Note 163. Nitzschia fasciculata (Grunow) Grunow The species Nitzschia sigmoidea has as basionym Bacillaria sigmoidea Nitzsch (1817). William Smith reassigned this species to the genus Nitzschia in 1853 as Nitzschia sigmoidea (Nitzsch) W.Sm. The epithet "sigmoidea" was at that point no longer nomenclaturally available for any other species of Nitzschia. William Smith erected Homoeocladia sigmoidea in 1856 for the species now known as Nitzschia fasciculata. Grunow, in 1878, erected the species Homoeocladia fasciculata. This latter name would, in the genus Homoeocladia, be a synonym for Homeocladia sigmoidea W.Sm. However, when Grunow reassigned his Homoeocladia fasciculata to the genus Nitzschia as Nitzschia sigma var. fasciculata (Grunow 1878 and later), When Grunow (in Van Heurck 1880-1885) revaluated it as a species (Nitzschia fasciculata (Grunow) Grunow), "fasciculata" was the oldest available epithet for the species in the genus Nitzschia.
Note 164. Nitzschia frustulum (Kütz.) Grunow, [partim?] = Nitzschia frustulum var. perminuta Grunow
Van Heurck, in errata (index vol. p. 116), corrects the name in parentheses in the caption from (N. frustulum Kütz. !) to (S. frustulum Kütz. !). The (!) would seem to indicate that Grunow had seen Kützing's type specimen ofSynedra frustulum (= Nitzschia frustulum (Kütz.) Grunow), though it might mean that he was referring to his own specimen (Grunow in Cleve et Grunow 1880) used in making the transfer of the species from Synedra to Nitzschia. In the first case, the statement might make Nitzschia frustulum var. perminuta Grunow a nomen nudum. In the second case, it might invalidate the combination Nitzschia frustulum (Kütz.) Grunow. A third possibility is that the statement simply indicates that the present taxon belongs to the species N. frustulum (Kütz.) Grunow without asserting that it is the same as the nominate variety.
Note 165. Nitzschia frustulum f. subserians Grunow
This is one of many "idem" notations that is difficult to interpret, referring as it does to the entry N. (frustulum var.) HANTZSCHIANA Rabenh. Some consider the intended combination to be Nitzschia frustulum f. subserians, others Nitzschia hantzschiana f. subserians. One might even argue for N. frustulum var. hantzschiana f. subserians. I have left it in the form shown, without any particular reason for choosing it.
Note 166. Nitzschia frustulum var. perpusilla (Rabenh.) Grunow The author is given in error as Rabenhorst alone.
Note 167. Nitzschia levidensis ? = ? Nitzschia tryblionella var. levidensis (W.Sm.) Grunow The note in the caption reads "forme se rapprochant du N. levidensis"
Note 168. Nitzschia macilenta W.Greg. The author
is given in error as W.Sm.
Note 169. Nitzschia panduriformis W.Greg The
author is given incorrectly as Grunow
Note 170. Nitzschia panduriformis var. minor Grunow = Nitzschia panduriformis W.Greg. Van Heurck includes fig. 4 in his list of illustrations for the nominate.
Note 171. Nitzschia romana Grunow Note in caption to fig. 12 refers to "N. fonticold" which is a tyographical error for N. fonticola.
Note 172. Nitzschia rostrata Grunow = Nitzschia reversa W.Sm. This is given by Grunow as a synonym of Synedra closterioides Grunow but is not recognized as such by later authors.
Note 173. Nitzschia serians (Bréb.) Rabenh. [sensu Grunow in Van Heurck] = Nitzschia thermalis f. brevis ? Grunow This, I think, is not a correct combination. Brébisson's Frustulia serians is the taxon reported in Patrick and Reimer (1966) as Anomoeoneis serians (Bréb. ex Kütz.) Cleve, and which is given in Kützing (1844) as
Navicula serians ( De Brébisson, ex specim.). Grunow's illustration for Plate 59 fig. 23 is clearly a Nitzschia.
Note 174 Nitzschia sigma var. rigida (Kütz.) Grunow The caption to fig. 3 has note: "petite forme tenant le milieu entre la var. rigida et la var. sigmatella"
Note 175. Nitzschia sigma var. sigmatella (W.Greg.) Grunow The caption to fig. 2 puts a (?) after the author W.Greg.; caption to fig. 3 has note: "petite forme tenant le milieu entre la var. rigida et la var. sigmatella"
Note 176. Nitzschia sigmoidea (Nitzsch) W.Sm.
Both Texte and Atlas give the author as (Ehrenb.) W.Sm. However, the basionym is
Bacillaria sigmoidea Nitzsch (1817). Ehrenberg (1832) placed the species in the genus Navicula as Navicula sigmoidea. William Smith made the transfer to Nitzschia.
Note 177. Nitzschia sinuata var. tabellaria (Grunow) Grunow The basionym is Denticula tabellaria Grunow
Note 178. Nitzschia stagnarum Rabenh. = Nitzschia stagnorum (Rabenh.) Grunow The epithet stagnarum is a misspelling of stagnorum.
Note 179. Nitzschia stagnorum (Rabenh.) Grunow
The epithet stagnorum is misspelled as stagarum and author given in error as Rabenhorst. The basionym is Nitzschia thermalis var. stagnorum Rabenh. The change in rank was made by Grunow in 1880.
Note 180. Nitzschia tabellaria (Grunow) Grunow = Nitzschia sinuata var. tabellaria (Grunow) Grunow The basionym is Denticula tabellaria Grunow
Note 181. Nitzschia tenuis Eulenst. = Nitzschia subtilis (Kütz.) Grunow The author given as W.Sm. ??, but Nitzschia tenuis W.Sm. is a different species, now considered to be Nitzschia tergestina (Kütz.) Ralfs. Van Landingham (p. 3127) notes that the species referred-to in Van Heurck as a synonum of N. subtilis is from Eulenstein (1868) fide De Toni 1892.
Note 182. Nitzschia thermalis (Ehrenb.) Auersw.
The author is given by both Van Heurck and Grunow as (Kütz.) Grunow, making reference to Surirella Kütz. Kützing 1844 reported this taxon as Surirella thermalis. The synonymy Kützing gave indicates that
Pinnularia ? thermalis Ehrenb. (1841) may be the oldest published name. (The only earlier name given in Kützing's synonymy was Cymbella minor C.Agardh (1830), which is now considered to be Cymbella cistula (Ehrenb.) Kirchn.) Considered as a species of Surirella, the proper name for the present taxon would be Surirella thermalis (Ehrenb.) Kütz. Auerswald apparently was the first to transfer the species to the genus Nitzschia.
Note 183. Nitzschia vermicularis (Kütz.) Hantzsch The author is given in error as (Kütz.) Grunow in Texte.
Note 184. Odontella favus Ehrenb. = Triceratium favus Ehrenb. This equivalence is given in the Atlas, but not in Texte ( p. 208)
Note 185. Paralia sulcata Heib. = Melosira sulcata (Ehrenb.) Kütz. I could not find reference to Paralia sulcata Heib. in Van Landingham. There is a reference (VanLandingham p. 3178) to Paralia marina (W.Sm.) Heib., a combination referred to as a synonym of Melosira sulcata (Ehrenb.) Kütz.
Note 186. Plagiotropis gibberula Grunow
There are two figures numbered. 11 in the captions to the plate, but, this one should be 12, I believe.
Note 187. Plagiotropis mediterranea Grunow
The caption gives fig. 12, but should, I think, be fig. 14.
Note 188. Plagiotropis vitrea (W.Sm.) Grunow
The original author given in error as A. Schm. [A.W.F.Schmidt]
Note 189. Pleurosigma attenuatum (Kütz.) W.Sm. Van Heurck's correction (index vol., p. 115) appears to contain an error for the genus (Navicula instead of Pleurosigma). As stated, it reads "[Lisez] Navicula attenuata Kütz. au lieu de var. attenuata Kütz." If one considers this species as a member of the genus
Pleurosigma, the correct name would be Pl. attenuatum (Kütz.) W.Sm., as noted in VanLandingham (p. 3362).
Note 190. Pleurosigma eximium (Thwaites) Grunow
The author given in Texte as (Thwaites) Van Heurck, but the species was first described as Schizonema eximium Thwaites (as noted in the capition to Pl. 21, fig. 2) and Grunow (in Cleve et Grunow 1880) first made the present combination. Hence the name Pleurosigma eximium (Thwaites) Grunow.
Note 191. Pleurosigma obtusatum Sull. et Wormley [sensu Van Heurck] = Pleurosigma eximium (Thwaites) Grunow
Van Heurck says this is synonymous with Endosigma eximium (Thwaites) Bréb., which he refers to in Texte (p 119) as Pleurosigma eximium Van Heurck. Van Landingham does not list Pleurosigma obtusatum Sull. et Wormley as a synonym of the present taxon, but reports it as a species in its own right.
Note 192. Pleurosigma parkeri M.B.Harrison? Van Heurck gives simply M. Harrison (probably the "M" is
"Monsieur"). I have seen the original published description and it is titled simply "Communication from Harrison"
Note 193. Pleurosigma rigidum W.Sm. This
species is mentioned in Texte (p. 116) in the discussion of Pleurosigma affine var. nicobarica Grunow.
Note 194. Pleurosigma scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin ) Ralfs Van Heurck, in caption to Pl 20, fig. 4, gives author as Grunow. He continues, however, noting that Navicula scalprum Gaillon in Turpin is perhaps the same thing: "Nav. scalprum Gaillon et Turpin
?" Van Heurck evidently missed Ralfs as the first to make the present combination and apparently regarded Grunow as having done so. The combination would in this case have been Pleurosigma scalprum (Gaillon in Turpin) Grunow. Van Heurck and Grunow both typically omit the names of all but the combining author of the taxon in question, hence the given combination Pleurosigma scalprum Grunow. A moot point since this taxon is a Gyrosigma.
Note 195. Pleurosigma spencerii var. smithii Grunow Pleurosigma spencerii W.Sm. is shown as a synonym. This would appear to turn the rules of nomenclature upside down.
Note 196. Podosira hormoides (Mont.) Kütz.
The author is given in error as Kütz. alone.
Note 197. Podosphenia gracilis Ehrenb. The author
is given in error as Kütz.
Note 198. Pterotheca aculeifera Grunow = Pyxilla ?? aculeifera Grunow Beneath the caption to Plate 83, fig. 10-11 (Pyxilla ?? kittoniana), Grunow made the following note "Pourait bien former un nouveau genre: Pterotheca Grun., auquel on rapporterait aussi les fig. 7, 8, 13 et
14." He suggested that such a genus might be appropriate, but he did not provide a circumscription of the proposed genus, nor did he designate a type species. This was done later by other authors, but at the time the note was written the genus Pterotheca was informally proposed, but not formally erected.
Note 199. Pyxilla ?? aculeifera Grunow See Note 198.
Note 200. Rhaphoneis amphiceros var. rhombica Grunow The generic name is misspelled Raphoneis in Texte, but not in Atlas.
Note 201. Rhizosolenia styliformis Brightw.
In errata, Van Heurck (index vol., p 116) corrects the figure numbers in the first line of the caption from 1-2 to 1-3
Note 202. Sceptroneis australis var. ? auklandica Grunow = Trachysphenia australis var. auklandica Grunow The spelling
auklandica is as given in the Atlas.
Note 203. Schizonema albicans (Kütz.) [?] Plate 15 is credited to Grunow. The name in the caption for Plate 15, fig. 20 is Sch. albicans (Kütz nec Menegh.). The caption continues, referring to
Micromega albicans Kütz. as a synonym. It is uncertain which author transferred this species from Micromega to Schizonema. Van Landingham (p. 3643) has, I think, misread the caption. The writer of the caption, presumably Grunow, indicated by (!) that he had seen Kützing's specimen of Micromega albicans. If Grunow meant by (Kütz nec Menegh.) that Schizonema albicans, based on Micromega albicans Kütz (1844), is not the same as Schizonema albicans sensu Meneghini (1845?), this could mean that he felt that Meneghini had misinterpreted his own specimen, or that Meneghini made use of the epithet "albicans" for a new and unrelated species of Schizonema. Kützing continued to employ the name Micromega albicans in Species Algarum (1849). If Grunow was in error, and Meneghini in fact correctly transferred Micromega albicans Kütz. to Schizonema, the name should be Schizonema albicans (Kütz.) Menegh. If Grunow was correct, and especially if he himself in fact made the transfer to Schizonema , the epithet "albicans" should not have been used, since it was already in use for Meneghini's species (Schizonema albicans Menegh.), Kützing's species
Micromega albicans would then have required a new name when transferred to the genus Schizonema.
Note 204. Schizonema apiculatum var. fastigiatum (Kütz.) Grunow The basionym is Micomega fastigatum Kütz. (1849, p. 108). Note spelling of the epithet. In the same description Kützing referred (as a synonym?) to the Schizonema ramosissimum in Berkeley's herbarium.
Note 205. Schizonema araneosum Autor, partim [i.e. sensu Grunow, partim ?] = Schizonema comoides (Dillwyn) C.Agardh Grunow does not name the original author, but the name is referred-to in Van Landingham (p. 3644) as
Schizonma araneosa Kütz. (1844). It is interesting that Kützing, in his description of that taxon, cited as synonyms Conferva araneosa D.Mohr, Conferva comoides Dillwyn, and Schizonema comoides C.Agardh.
Note 206. Schizonema crucigerum W.Sm. There
is an error in numbering on the plate, with "fig. 2" appearing
twice. Van Heurck notes this (index vol. p. 115) and corrects the first
"fig. 2" to "fig. 1b" although this drawing actually has no
number on the plate.
Note 207. Schizonema hyalinum (Kütz.) Menegh. The combining author given in error as Rabenhorst.
Note 208. Schizonema myxacanthum var. intermedia Grunow The index volume (p. 115) corrects the varietal epithet from intermedium to intermedia
Note 209. Schizonema sp. ? [Grunow]
The caption contains the note "Sch. vivant dans les gaines du Berckeleya patens (Kütz.) Grun. et du Sch. comoides Ag."
Note 210. Schizonema torquatum (Harv.) Meneghini
The author is given in error as W.Sm. The writer of the caption, presumably Grunow, indicated that he had seen (!) William Smith's specimen. Van Landingham, (p. 3663), gives the basionym as Schizonema smithii var. torquatum Harv., and (on p. 3662) credits Meneghini as the author of the combination Schizonema torquatum.
Note 211 Sphenella vulgaris Kütz. = [?] Gomphonema olivaceum var. vulgaris Grunow In the Texte, S. vulgaris is given in text as a synonym of Gomphonema angustatum var. vulgaris Grunow. Kützing's illustration for Sphenella vulgaris (Kützing 1844/1865) does not resemble Atlas Pl 25, fig. 21. Kützing recognizes Gomphonema olivaceum and illustrates it in a way that does not resemble his illustration of Sphenella vulgaris. This latter species was later referred to the genusGomphocymbella as G. vulgaris (Kütz.) O.F.Müll. Grunow's illustration of Gomphonema olivaceum var. vulgaris is clearly that of a variety of Gomphonema olivaceum. I therefore do not feel that Van Landingham (p.1938) was correct in placing Gomphonema olivaceum var. vulgaris Grunow in synonymy with Gomphocymbella vulgaris (Kütz.) O.F. Müll., nor was Van Heurck, in my opinion, correct in indicating
Sphenella vulgaris Kütz. as a synonym of Gomphonema olivaceum var. vulgaris Grunow.
Note 212. Stauroneis anceps var. linearis (Ehrenb.) Brun In the caption to Plate 4, fig. 8, Van Heurck in error lists the species as Stauroneis anceps var. linearis Grun. [i.e. Grunow]
Note 213. Stauroneis legumen (Ehrenb.) Kütz.
The author is given in error as Ehrenberg alone. Kützing 1849 (p. 92), lists himself as author of this combination, citing Stauroptera legumen Ehrenb. as basionym.
Note 214. Stauroneis linearis Ehrenb. = Stauroneis anceps var. linearis (Ehrenb.) Brun
Van Heurck gives the basionym in error as Stauroneis linearis Kütz., but Kützing 1844 (1865 printing) clearly indicates his source as Ehrenberg 1843.
Note 215. Stauroneis spicula W.J.Hickie In the index volume (p. 115) Van Heurck corrects the author from Dickie to Hickie
Note 216. Stephanodiscus astraea var. [Grunow]
The caption to plate 95, fig. 9, has the note "forme intermediaire entre le St. astraea et la var.minutula"
Note 217. Stephanodiscus hantzschianus [i.e. hantzschii] Grunow The epithet hantzschianus is not accepted.
Note 218. Stephanodiscus hantzschianus [i.e. hantzschii] var. pusilla Grunow If recognized, taxon should be named Stephanodiscus hantzschii var. pusilla Grunow.
Note 219. Surirella angusta Kütz. = Surirella ovalis var. angusta (Kütz.) Van Heurck
In Texte the figure number is given as 12. The Atlas uses fig. 13, which is correct.
Note 220. Surirella curvula Bréb. = Nitzschia lanceolata W.Sm. This synonymy is according to the writer, probably Grunow, of the caption for Plate 68, fig. 1.
Note 221. Surirella [sic] librile Ehrenb. = Cymatopleura solea (Bréb.) W.Sm. The combination Surirella librile Ehrenb. is almost certainly an error. Ehrenberg (1838) described
Navicula librile which is listed in Kützing 1849 as a synonym of Surirella solea Bréb., but there does not appear to be evidence that Ehrenberg made a transfer of the species to Surirella, as the name S. librile Ehrenb. implies.
Note 222. Surirella ovalis Bréb. Fig. 4 is a monstrosity and was so indicated by Van Heurck.
Note 223. Surirella ovalis var. angusta (Kütz.) Van Heurck In Texte the figure number is given as 12. The caption refers to fig. 13, which is correct.
Note 224. Surirella ovalis var. pinnata (W.Sm.) Van Heurck In Texte given as fig. 13. Caption refers to fig. 12, which is correct.
Note 225. Surirella ovata Kütz. = Surirella ovalis var. ovata (Kütz.) Van Heurck   In Atlas these figures are referred-to as "Surirella ovata Kütz., varietes diverses"
Note 226. Surirella ovata var. aequalis Kütz. For reasons unknown, Van Heurck let this variety of
S. ovata stand while transferring all others (including the nominate) to
S. ovalis.
Note 227. Surirella pinnata W.Sm. = Surirella ovalis var. pinnata (W.Sm.) Van Heurck In Texte the illustration number is given as fig. 13. The caption refers to fig. 12, which is correct.
Note 228. Synedra acula Kütz. = Synedra acus var. acula (Kütz.) Grunow Kützing's spelling (1844, 1865 printing. p.65) in both the text and register is acula and he retained that spelling in 1849. Not the same as Synedra acuta Ehrenb. which was also recognized by Kützing (1844 1865 printing) on p. 66.
Note 229. Synedra acus Kütz. The author is given as (Kütz.) Grunow in Texte, based on Grunow 1862. In Atlas the author of the same figure is given as Kütz., Grun. l.c. The correct combination is, however, given in Kützing 1844 (1865 printing), p. 68.
Note 230. Synedra affinis var. ? lancettula Grunow Caption numbering after fig. 25 restarts with 24. The present figure should be labeled fig. 28
Note 231. Synedra affinis var. ? rupicola Grunow Caption numbering after fig. 25 restarts with 24. The present figure should be labeled fig. 27.
Note 232. Synedra amphicephala var. ? [Grunow] Caption has note "striis tenuioribus"
Note 233. Synedra deformis f. perminuta [?] = Synedra capitellata var. cymbelloides Grunow The author for this combination is not given, only the note "teste W.Arn." The author of the nominate variety (Synedra deformis var. deformis) is W.Sm. Arnott's name is customarily given in the present work simply as Arn., so perhaps what Grunow intended to write was Synedra deformis W.Sm., f. perminuta, teste Arn. The combination S. deformis f. perminuta is, however, not listed in Van Landingham.
Note 234. Synedra demerarae Grunow Caption numbering after fig. 25 restarts with 24. The present figure should be labeled fig. 29.
Note 235. Synedra fulgens (Kütz.) W.Sm. Kutzing (1844, repr. 1865) refers to Exilaria fulgens Grev., and implies synonymy, in his description (1844/1865) of Licmophora fulgens. Therefore the correct name for the present taxon should be S. fulgens (Grev.) W.Sm. as is listed in VanLandingham (p. 3914).
Note 236. Synedra gaillonii (Bory) Ehrenb. The specific epithet is misspelled gallionii in Texte.
Note 237. Synedra parva [?] = Synedra barbatula Kütz. The author for S. parva is not given explicitly, only the note: "teste Arnott"). The species referred-to is probably Synedra parvaKütz.
Note 238. Synedra parvula Kütz. = Synedra vaucherii var. parvula (Kütz.) Rabenh. In the Atlas the author given as (Kütz., partim?) Grunow. The author is not given in Texte.
Note 239. Synedra pulchella (Ralfs) Kütz. Kützing 1844 (1865 printing) gives the basionym as Exilaria pulchella Ralfs, ex. specim.
Note 240. Synedra radians Kütz. The author is given in both Texte and Atlas as (Kütz.) Grunow, but Kützing made this combination in 1844.
Note 241. Synedra rumpens Kütz. In the caption the name is given as Synedra rumpens Kütz., genuina !.
Note 242. Synedra tenella Grunow Caption numbering after fig. 25 restarts with 24. The present figure should be labeled fig. 26.
Note 243. Synedra undulata (Bailey) W.Greg. Van Landingham (p.3962) indicates author should be Bailey alone.
Note 244. Synedra vaucheriae var. parvula (Kütz.) Rabenh. The author is given in error as (Kütz., partim?) Grunow in
Atlas. The Texte does not indicate the author.
Note 245. Synedra vitrea (Bory) Kütz. = Synedra ulna var. vitrea (Bory) Van Heurck The basionym appears to be Echinella vitrea Bory ex. Leormand. Herb. according to Kützing (1844, 1865 printing)
Note 246. Thalassiosira nordenskioldii Cleve
In errata (index vol. p 116), Van Heurck corrects the spelling in the caption from
Thalasiosira to Thalassiosira.
Note 247. Trachysphenia australis var. ? auklandica Grunow Note spelling "auklandica" rather than "aucklandica"
Note 248. Triceratium californicum Grunow The illustration looks like a Lampriscus as understood by Round et al. (1990).
Note 249. Triceratium laeve var. annulifera Grunow The figure numbers in the caption are given as 11-11.
Van Heurck (index vol. p. 116) corrects this to fig. 11-12, but there is no fig. 12 on the plate. My best guess is that he intended the correction as fig. 10-11, as I have shown.
Note 250. Triceratium sculptum Shadbolt
In Texte Van Heurck prefers Biddulphia to Triceratium.
Note 251. Triceratium shadboltianum Grev.
This specimen appears similar to Lampriscus as shown in Round et al. (1990). Note the spines on what might be suspected to be pseudocelli.
Note 252. Triceratium shadboltianum f. pentagona Grunow The specimen illustrated appears like a Lampriscus as shown in Round et al. (1990).
Note 253. Triceratium sinense A.F.Schwarz = Actinoptychus annulatus Grunow The words (genus novum?) are added. Van Heurck (index vol., p. 117) corrects spelling of epithet from sinence to sinense and corrects the name of the author from Schwartz to Schwarz.
Note 254. Triceratium striolatum (Ehrenb.) Roper = Biddulphia rhombus var. trigona Cleve The Atlas gives the author as Ehrenb.; VanLandingham (p. 4085) has entries for T. striolatum Ehrenb.(1839,1840) and T. striolatum sensu Roper 1854
non Ehrenb. (1839,1840).
Note 255. Vanheurckia rhomboides var. crassinervia (Bréb) Grunow Varietal epithet is given in Texte as crassinervis.
Note 256 Vanheurckia vulgaris (Thwaites) Van Heurck Atlas gives Vanheurckia ? vulgare Thwaites