Redpath Chautauqua Collection
Series IV
(Boxes 1 - 249)
Agents - Employees
Box 1Neff, MyronNetherton, H .E. Neuworth, O. J. Ogden, John Oglivie, R. B. Ogle, Jane M. Oltman, A. G. Orders, Harry M. Orillion, Lee Oster, Ray Overton, Joe Owen, G. A. Owens, Herbert Parsonns, D. A. Pearson, Sigrid Com., Peffer Perkins, O. Persons, E. B. Poole, Wm. L. Price, J. S. Pugh, Wm. Putman, R. C. Box 2Johnston, AbnerJohnston, Gordon Jones, Ethel Jones, Walker K. Keighly, Wm. Kelly, Fred Kennedy, W. M. Kerns, Sterling Kettleson, John Kinney, Hallie LaRue, Irving LaRue, Robert Logan, Ralph Mack, Eula Madden, Florence Mains, T. Phillip Maltby, K. A. Martin, Chester W. Martin, Irvin L. Mashburn, C. H. Oliver, Rochelle Box 3Bottorf, O.Cahoon, B. T. Cain, Howard H. Call, Kenneth L. Callithan, R. E. Calverly, James Campbell, A. B. Campbell, Mrs. David Allen Campbell, Gaylord M. Carhart, Ralph Carter, R. Emerson Cawood, Nelson Chambers, John F. Box 4Chambers, John F.Bartell, Fred W. Kellogg, Mabel G. London, Isaac S. Lowe, Robert Mabry, A. C. Madden, Thomas N. Mangum, Mr. W. D. Mansfield, Ruby Celeste Marchbank, Burton David McAdam, C. R. McAdam, Wayne MaAllister, Virgil H. McBride, Jr., Charles O. McCartha, Carl W. McCarthy, W. F. McClanahan, Robert Meade, Joe Minor, Harry R. Ratto, John B. Renton, W. S. Rheinfrank, George C. Rummell, W. B. Schildkret, Samuel Waldemar, Geltch von Walsingham, Elizabeth Whitney, Will F. Box 5Williams, AlfredWilson, Angeline Wray, G. W. Philpot, E. N. Pickell, G. M. Price, Fred A. Price, J. S. Proctor, Jo Provins, O. K. Raukin, G. N. Parrish, R. J. Parsons, Rufus Paul, Ralph W. Phillips, J. B. Box 5APeffer, C.A.Box 6Peffer, C.A.Gurley, Henry T. Gylleck, Elmer Habermel, Herbert Hailey, Kirk Edward Hagen, James & L. D. Ollie Hamm, E. Hammontree, R. Box 7Pennington, LucyQuire, Frank C. Radanovits, Sandor Rahn, W. A. Raker, Grant Ray, H. E. Reid, Stewart F. Reiher, Norman Reno Jr., Edward Rich, John A. Richards, K. B. Ringeisen, Chester F. Roe, Thomas Rose, Wm. G. Rothrock, John A. Box 8Armstrong, R. C.Backman, C. E. Bayley, W. D. Barclay, D. Bendall, R. E. Bottorff, O. O. Bruso, E. B. Calley, A. B. Cash, Tina Chambers, John F. Chehok, A. W. Crew Men Fallis, C. R. Ford, Henry C. Gady, E. A. Galloway, T. Gross, D. L. Hanlon, Fannye Heinrichs, O. W. Hicks, Ford MacLaren, Gay Zenola Miller, K. Morelock, J. E. H. Netherton, H. E. Box 9Randall, Kathryn YorkOster, Ray Shields, Terressa Smith, Sophia Sparks, B. E. Stoddard, R. H. Johnson, F. P. Johnson, Jerry Jub Co. Pros. Talent Kampe, Kathryn Kendall, R. M. Kennedy, John W. Key, F. S. Kinney, Hallie Kirk, Blossem Knapp, Pauline Koogla, Virginia Lederle, E. J. Linsley, Harold Lockridge, Mrs. E. M. MacDonald, Lloyd A. Martin, R. L. Meiners, R. E. Myren, A. P. Melancon, R. B. Box 10Ogle, JaneO'Neill, Henry Robinson, L. B. Green Hewitt, C. E. Hicks, Ford McClintock, A. G. McConkey, Lowell McCormick, Mildred McCuen, Cobb McCurry, L. R. McDonald, F. E. McFadden, F. S. McGehee, J. S. McMakin, E. P. Mershon, E. Ralph Moss, W. D. Nelson, Jack Neuworth, Orville J. Newman, C. McClintock Nickolson, G. M. Box 11Oltman, PaulVincent, Terrence Waldo, Ernest T. Wall, Kathyrn Wann, H. A. Warren, J. H. Waterstreet, Mary Webb, Eugene F. Weiskoff, Amy Wells, Rash Welton, Everett L. Wheeler, H. Donovan Alford, R. B. Andrews, Marjorie Brown, Margaret Buiste, Geo. A. Bush, Carrie Woods Box 12Chambers, John F.Crotty, L. B. Innis, Ralph A. Isaacs, Caspar Jennings, Mrs. O. J. Johnson, Anton Johnson, Paul Jones, R. A. Kallstrom, E. A. Keith, A. E. Kendall, R. M. Klaus, P. A. Leiter, H. Herschel Lenihan, E. G. Liddle, John W. Lloyd, Ralph W. Long, Edward Lusted, G.E. Lyons, Grace M. Madden, Florence Morgan, Roscoe R. Staver, W.H. Van Buskirk, W.F. Young, J.P. Box 13Hartman, M. HelenHeemstra, Simon Hicks, Ford Hopper, W.B. Hughes, J.T. Laird, C.R. LaRue, Irving Lee, Ewen G. Lee, John J. Lefevre, Robt. F. Legault, Raymond E. Leibhart, Wm. Lindsey, Jr., Albert Lipe, J.E. Lutton, Albert V. Reed, Harold E. Reeves, George M. Reid, Stewart Robinson, Eliz. Rosheger, Florence Sandwick, L.M. Sharpe, Richard W. Box 14Shedden, RussellSheldon, V.C. Shelton, Harry J. Sloan, Beryl Decker Sloman, Bert Sloman, Wm. Davidson, Joseph A. Davis, B.F. Davis, Leo Dale Davis, Turpin Davis, W.W. DeBell, Robt. H. Dixon, Chas. H. Haeger, L.D. Hagan, L.D. Harcourt, R.A. Harmon, H.C. Harrington, Raymond Harris, Ward H. Hegstrom, A.F. Hester, Marshall Higginbotham, Vernon Hipple, Floyd Howard, A.T. Howard, Gordon Hughes, W.V. Box 15Hutchings, John W.Hydanus, Joseph Ingram, F.B. Ivy, J.M. Rheinfrank Wiedoeft, Rudy Wiegand, Paul A. Wiener, Edwin D. Wiggs, John L. Wiley, L.J. Williamson, Gavin Wilson, Hugh Wilson, S.S. Windenburg, Ivan Box 16Wisner, A.L.Brantley, Wilson Brissey, D.P. Brown, J.V. Brownlee, W.L. Burns, R.A. Burts, Sam N. Butters, C.L. Byron, H.J. Cain, James R. Carbauh, Earl Carney, E.A. Caughley, J.T. Caverly, Keith Cawood, Nelson Cheney, Frank L. Coad, Frank Collier, Graham Connor, Elizabeth Connor, Ellen Box 17Connor, Ellen Rhodes, C.C.Rich, Rita Richardson, Jesse Richardson, L.W. Robeson, Harold Rochelle, Alvis Rochelle, Wylie P. Roeschley, H.S. Smith, Julian Chaffee, Marguerite Colledge, Wm. A. Wise, Catherine Box 18Work, W. McLeanWright, Earl R. Wright, Wm. S. Yandell, L. Yohn, Madge T. Young, J.P. Addis, C. Elmo Aldridge, Richard E. Allen, J.B. Allison, A.V. Allison, Curtis H. Angus, W.M. Appleby, Harold Armstrong, John W. Ashcraft, Lucinda Ayers, Ellsworth D. Babbitt, F.S. Backman, C.E. Box 19Bailey, Waldo E.Baird, Wlibur S. Baiter, Lawrence W. Baker, Chas. M. Baker, T. Ray Balfany, A.M. Ball, C.K. Baxter, L.W. Behnke, J.Alden Benjamin, H.V. Pearson, Harold D. Persons, E.B. Phelps, Lois Phillips, H.C. Bendell, R.E Box 20Bendell, R.E.Bennett, W.C. Plane, Robt. F. Quayle, Clayton Quinn, J.B. Radanovits, Sandor Rahn, Wm. Rawe, R.L. Reid, Stewart F. Revely, Marion MacFadden Strutz, Henry H. Coryell, Wm. C. Craft, Merritt Crane, Cecil R. Crawley, Dave Crossley, V.E. Crowell, Porter D. Culpepper, Jas. Cummins, H.D. Cummings, John Robert Davis, Spencer C. Dickie, Muir Dowining, R.Q. Foelber, Herbert J. Box 21Wilson, HughWright, Wm. S. Blake, Paul W. Boesel, M. Agnes Borough, Lee Bottorff, O.O. Box 22Bottorff, O.O.Bottorff, Robt. Bowdish, Glen Bowe, F.J. Boxell, Ivan Braun, Geo. Jacobs, Walter W. Janas, Virgil May Johns, Larry Johns, N.L. Johnston, Abner Johnston, Gordon Box 23Johnston, Gordon Jones, A.G.Judson, L.V. Kaub, Verne P. Kerney, J.D. Kittoe, Mrs. I.D. Knight, Donald M. Laird, Elmer G. Lambert, Carl Albert, Chas H. Blanchards Boyd, E. Henri Chambers, John F. Box 24Colledge, Wm.Daniel, D.W. Ernberg, Otto Evraets, John F. Gatherer, J.W. Glenn, Robert B. Gray, Thaddeus Guild, Lewis Thurber Hansen, Mary Box 25Harrington, RaymondHolt, R.L. Houston, Sam M. Hughes, M.S. Hughes, Mary E. Hughes, J.T. Jeffords, R.J. Jensen, Kris A. Brown, John N. Brownlee, W.L. Burts, Sam Caldwell, Mae Calley, A.B. Caplinger, Robert G. Carney, Ted Carpenter, Newton C. Carpenter, R.R. Cash, Tina Catlett, L.W. Cawood, Nelson Chase, Earl F. Box 26Chehok, Lowell B.Cheney, Helen Chobol, Merle Christian, Alfred Clark, Bob O. Clark, Jean Clinkscales, L.D. Colby, Thelma Collings, D.L. Jenkins, Joseph L. Abramson, Roy T. Adams, Cordelia M. Agnew, A.S. Armstrong, Burrel F. Hanson, Carl Harrington, Raymond Hawkins, Icil Box 27Hendrickson, Ira R.Hersch, Elmer M. Himstedt, R.E. Holden, Will G. Honeycutt, A.W. Horning, J.O. Howell, E.D. Hughes, Chub Hollembeak, W.L. Hughes, J.T. Hughes, W.V. Connor, Ellen Coons, O.A. Crary, Julia Crawley, David Box 28Crossley, Valois E.Curran, C. Vaughan Daniel, R. Kathryn Davey, Thomas A. Davis, J.H. Davis, Kathleen Davis, Spencer Denlinger, E.E. Dickerson, Bedford K. Dieterich, D.W. Doster, Wm. L. Dotherow, Etta Dresback, H.M. Dutton, Jack Dutton, Pauline Eddi, Richard Eichelberger, Mrs. Robert Hollembeak, W.L Hague, S.E. Hawkins, Icie Lake Hays-Agent Heffner, H.C. Heskett, A.J. Heuer, E.I. Box 29Boyd, George S.Brockway, J.E. Box 30Brockway, J.E. Ketterer, Miss M.B.Rodebaugh, J.F. Box 31Horner, Charles F.Calley, A.B. Campbell, Kenneth Campbell, Tom W. Carter, John H. Box 31ACash, TinaChambers, John F. Coburn, J.W. Collins, R.J. Cooper, J.W. Cumings, Elsie Cummins, H.D. Eades, Roscoe Box 32Edwards, W.C.Emmert, F.V. Enloe, J.J. Ernberg, Otto Evenson, Eugene Evraets, John F. Fox, O.P. Francis, Ke Franke, Harold Fraser, Henrietta Free, A.A. French, Earl R. French, Ward Gady, Mr.& Mrs. Galloway, Truman Garrett, Harold Gass, George E. Gibson, G.R. Gottschalk, John J. Greisheimer, Harry Gringer, Powell Gross, D.L. Gunlock, Frank D. Gunlock, Paul Hall, Jr., Andy Heemstra, GerrittBox 33 Totten, L. Jeanette Bendell, R. E. Crowell, Albert S. Hughes, J.T. Swift, Mary E.Box 33A Acker, T.F. Aiken, Robert C. Alderton, Wm. M. Alford, R.B. Allen, D.M. Allen, R.H. Allinson, Arthur V. Ames, M.M. Ammundson, Ebba Appleby, H.A. Armstrong, Burrell F. Armstrong, J.W. Armstrong, Ray C. Arrick, John D. Austin, John Austin, W.C. Babbitt, F.S. Backman, C.E. Baggerly, James Baker, T. Ray Baker, T.W. Barkley, D.E. Barksdale, Bennett Barnett, Geo. A. Baxter, L.W. Benjamin, H.V. Box 34Benner, EarlBoblitt, Homer C. Colledge, W.C. Holmberg, Hilding Riley, B.C. Horner, C.F. Box 35Horner, C.F.Box 35AHarrison, W. Vernon Box 36Columbus OfficeWhitehead, George G. Vawter, Keith Box 37Vawter, KeithBox 37AApplications forEmployment Harper, R.G. Harrington, Raymond Hathaway, J.B. Haynes, Leola Holmberg, Hilding Laird, Geo. R. Lambert, C.A. Lawill, S. Lester, Orrin Lewis, J.O. Light, Carson N. Livingston, J.N. Loper, O.B. Lott, Chas. Love, Quincy B. Lowe, Paul S. Ropiequet, W.E. Young, Percy White Entertainment Bureau White, K.M. Box 38White, K.M.Box 38AHodge, NinaHunter, Julia M. Landrith, Dr. Lott, Elmo H. Rheinfrank, Geo. C. Box 39Rheinfrank, Geo. C.Adams, R. Winfield Albee, Chester L. Allen, Hall Allen, John B. Anderson, W.M. Andre, Rene Ashcraft, Lucinda Attebury, Millard L. Austin, Edward Bond, Leland Francis Fisher, Fred Flude, Alfred Fox, O.P. Freeland, Jr., Thos. H. Frickstad, L.K. Gady, Ernest Gallaway, Truman Gass, Geo. S. Gaugh, Mrs. Hilda Geiger, Mrs. E.F. Gordon, C.E. Gottschall, J.J. Grant, Arthur G. Gray, Merle Green, C. Lewis Gringer, Clarence B. Gross, D.L. Gross, Howard L. Gunlock, Paul J. Hacker, Robert Hall, Andy Hallum, Jr., Richard T. Halton, Charles M. Hames, Edwyn Hanlon, Fanny E. Hanneman, Jacob Harkless, Jas Harmon, Hugh E. Box 39AHarrington, RaymondHarris, W.H. Jeffords, R.J. Jenkins, Jos. L. Alford, R.B. Babbitt, F.S. Backman, C.E. Baggerly, James M. Bailey, Waldo E. Baker, Harold D. Box 40Baker, T. RayBaldi, Joe Barkley, Doyt E. Barnett, Wynett Barrett, William E. Beatty, Fred D. Beers, Wm. Besse, John W. Netherton, Elliot Nevitt, Keith Newquist, M.N. Nobin, Marie T. Ogle, Jane M. Oltman, A.G. Oltman, L. Oltman, Paul O'Neill, Henry Orillion, J.L. Oster, Roy Otis, C.D. Overton, James Owen, R.N. Pawlen, Harold Pemberton, E. Terry, Homer B. Beverly, Grant Bohlender, Clarence Boxell, Ivan Boyd, Geo. S. Box 40ABoyd, Geo. S. Thomas, D.F.Thomas, Glenn H. Thomas, O.W. Tichenor, Byron H. Box 41Nelson, Edw. L.Newton, Glen R. Oaks, Russell E. Oldenburger, Wm. Otten, John S. Otto, C.W. Overby, Wm. H. Pasley, W.B. Price, J.S. Ray, H.E. Reamer, Herndon Reel, Jas. Box 41AReid, Stewart H.Rickard, Edna Ridge, Prof. H.G.S. Bratton, Ella M. Bratton, Robt. M. Brinkman, Joseph Brown, Carl Brown, K.D. Brownlee, W.L. Brush, Edwin Bruso, E.B. Burdsall, Milford Buskirk, Hugh G. Butler, H.R. Calley, A.B. Campbell, Tom W. Carlson, Wesley R. Carney, Ted Chambers, John Mabee, Don R. McCann, H.D. McCormick, Wm. McCUen, Robt. McKune, Warren Box 42Madden, A.C.Mahany, M.M. Mallett, Geo. J. Marolf, G.A. Miller, Adele Millikin, Chas. L. Minnich, R.E. Morris, Walter W. Morrison, H.L. Murray, J.H. Myres, L.E. Myers, Paul F. Roberts, Jack Robinson, Lynn B. Rockwood, H.L. Ross, Wm.T. Rudy, J.M. Shouse, Rev. E.G. Simonson, G.T. Simpson, H.N. Slack, Silas Smith, H.E. Smith, Maude J. Smith, R.W. Smith, Roy L. Box 42ASnyder, Jas. W.Sogge, Richard Sowerby, Dr. J.H. Springstead, L. Murl Springsted, Muriel Steinkamp, Earl Stout, W.H. Stunkard, H.W. Sturgeon, Mary Sutherland, Harry Switzer, Carl R. Box 43Beadle, Joseph T.Culpepper, James Davis, W.W. Jaeger, Mrs. C.P. Johns, J.B. Johnson, A.E. Jolley, L.F. Jones, Harry Keep, Richard W. Kidd, F.G. Keith, Al Kimmel, Stanley Kingsbury, Guilford Klaus, P.A. Knodle, Guy Knox, Wm. K. Koch, Henry Lyon, Grace M. Morey, Miss Nelle Nielsen, Hortense Nixon & Sans Shields, N.H. Sloan, Beryl Decker Sloman, Bert Sutton, Louis E. Svendsen, Earl Swinebroad, Stephen Marrs Tanner, G.E. Taylor, Theo. W. Tegmeyer, Edgar R. Templeton, Harold Box 44Thomas, O.W.Thompson, Clyde D. Arnold, Alfred G. Barker, George L. Belt, Valerie Boggs, S.D. Brett, Ralph Brillhart, Clarence B. Byran, Sloan H. Bumstead, J.A. Burton, E.F. Williamson, J.H. Wilson, Mrs. Ethel Wilson, Hugh Box 45Wilson, HughWilson, Steedly Wise, Catherine Box 46Wisner, A.L.Aubrey, John Edmun Bain, Roy Beatty, Emile Blackwood, Henry Blackwood, Sam E. Boesel, Alan J. Bowser, George E. Carhart, Forest F. Carhart, Ralph R. Carson, Earl W. Clarke, Juliette Craft, Merritt S. Crawford, M.C. Damman, Edwin Parsons, Lt. Rufus Towne, Olive Box 47Trapp, O.W.Trullinger, E.B. Turpin, Paul Unger, J.W. Vines, Julian H. Wheelock, Raymond Whitney, Edwin Wildman, F.A. Campbell, A.B. Campbell, Thomas E. & Ernest T. Chaffee, Frank M. Clarke, T.J. Cole, Fred A. Coleman, Hamilton Collins, R.J. Coons, O.A. Cooper, Delmar Gilbert Corbin, C.A. Cornelison, Thomas M. Cotton, John V. Cox, Ezra M. Box 47ACramer, Ernest F.Crawford, T.E. Cravens, Ernest Crose, Mr. Jean J. Cushing, B.E. Damron, J. Smith Dannels, Alva William Davis, George A. DePoister, L. F. Devendorf, George E. Dexter, Frank H. Dickey, Lincoln Dunbar, Ralph M. Ellis, Horace Box 48Connor, EllenDamron, J. Smith Box 49Denio, E.W.Ellinwood, R.R. Abbott, D.H. Alford, R.B. Allen, C. Hall Anderson, Melvin W. Agents--Pros. Babbitt, F.S. Backman, C.E. Bailey, Aileen Baker, R.M. Box 50Baker, T. RayBall, Ernest E. Barnett, Truman C. Bawden, Clarence K. Beale, Ace T. Beard, C.A. Beard, C.E. Beard, Carey J. Beckett, Eugene Beeman, L.R. Belt, Maurice Berry, Matt Brockway, J.E. Pittsburg Box 50AKetterer, Miss M.B. Boyd-BrockwayCash, Tina Box 51Cash, TinaCornelison, T.M. Cubbage, V.W. Cugat, Francis Chappelle, Mrs. O.A. Dickie, Muir Draker, Homer Ralph Dunbar Prod. Douglas, J.B. Kendall, R.M.; Daugherty, Mrs. Frances Crotty, L.B. Box 52Chambers, HenryCooper, J.W. Dollar, Malcolm Dowdell, Lt. Marc Duckett, Gordon Driskel, K.E. Marker, Roy B. Box 53Sloman, A.E.Sloman, Bill Smith, Frank L. Snodgrass, Mrs. Florence Sommerville, W.C. Southcombe, J.E. Speares, Gary N. Springsted, Murl Staton, M.L. Steely, Robert Stout, C.V. Stout, M.S. Stout, Ross Strickland, Harold Lee Strickland, Z.I. Striegel, Larry Sturgeon, Mary Jane |
Box 54Sullinger, C.B.Richardson, L.W. Rickard, Tex Robertson, Dale Rollings, E.J. Russ, Pauline Russ, W.M. Scott, Albert L. Scott, Donald A. Seawell, Thos. M. Shambaugh, H.E. Sharpe, R.W. Sheehan, Tess Sheldon, V.C. Shobe, Noble Waldo, Dr.E.T. Walker, Orval Wisner, A.L. Box 55Wolf, Fred B.Woodruff, H.G. Wright, Loui Yandell, Ray Young, J.P. Young, John R. Backman, C.E. Bendell, Roy E. Brown, S.W. Cook, Oliver Dyke, E.D. Evert, John F. Garrett, L.F. Gee, G.L. Geer, L.L. Gerharrt, E. Gerrard, Guy Gilbert, I.B. Gilcrist, D.J. Godden, J.E. Gordon, F.E. Gossage, R. Graham, T.F. Graham, J.F. Grant, M. Griffin, E. Groover, C. Grubb, G.W. Groubb, M. Gudmundson, G.G. Jones, Mrs. Ethel Jones, W.W. Redding, H.E. Rheinfrank, K.F. Riggs, F.F. Box 56Snodgrass, Mrs. FlorenceSumner, F.H. Wood, George Woodruff, H.G. Wright, Wm. Yandell, Louis Young, Jack Young, L.R. Wilson, Hugh Box 57Wilson, HughWolfe, Henry Morris Yaw, Walter H. Young, J.P. Wise, Mrs. Catherine Box 57AWise, Mrs. CatherineWisner, A.L. Box 58Ogle, JaneWiard, Norman Wildman, F.A. Wilkes, Sherrell R. Box 59Wilson, E.A.Wilson, S.S. Winegarner, Mary Stout, C.V. Stout, Lee Sullinger, C.B. Sullivan, F.F. Swofford, R.P. Taylor, Richard Taylor, Ted Tenbroek, Ruby G. Thomas, O.W. Thomas, Ruth Towne, Olive Trapp, O.W. Box 60Truitt, BeulahTucker, Paul P. Turgeant, Donald Van Dyke, Edith Vig, Lucille Vines, J. Hall Wade, Nat Walker, Orval Wall, George Waln, Mabel Waltz, C.A. Waltz, W.E. Bigham, J.T. Spear, Martha G. Spencer, Samuel E. Springsted, Murl Staley, Eula Lee Steeley, Robert Steketee, Andries Stevens, Alden Stout, Ross W. Stover, J.E. Striegel, Larry Box 61Sturrkie, E.D.Sturkie, Sarah Cora Campbell, Thomas E. Chandler, O.B. Churchill, Clark R. Clarke, T.J. Combs, George Cook, Oliver Coons Building Co., O.A. Corbin, C.A. Cornelison, Thomas M. Cosgrane, Q.H. Cotton, Earl H. Craft, Fred Craft, Merritt S. Crane, Earl T. Crane, G.B. Crowson, Edward R. Box 61ACroy, E.F.Crotty, Luther B. Cushing, Ben E. Damman, Edwin Damron, Harold Denton, Allen E. Dexter, Frank H. Dickey, Lincoln G. Diven, Wilbur Donavan, S.A. Downing, Walter Andrew Dunn, Lester L. Dyer, Lloyd Elmer Backman, C.E. Bartlett, Bernard Box 62Beebe, Byron A.Beidler, Donald Bendell, Roy E. Benway, Arthur Bozarth, H.P. Burns, Robert E. Byerly, M.F. Cally, A.B. E.A. Carnile, Chambers, John F. Box 63Abbott, D.H.Alexander, Jack Allhands, Raymonds Ambrose, R.B. Ames, Ralph Canaan, Frank Carroll, Rev. W. Cash, Tina Crispin, Ethelwyn Christensen, B.V. Cloud, Victor Cleasby, C.S. Cornetet, D.L. Cleworth, C.H. Culehan, Miles Cummins, R. Cunningham, J.N. Collyer, H.E. Colpitts, Kathryn Davis, Bertie L. Gatling, Box 64Jones, I.S.Pfoff, E. Backman, C.E. Camburn , C. Price, J.S. Box 65Thomas, O.W.Underwood, T.H. Warren, Mrs. Myrtle Shipp Wise, Mrs. Geo. Young, J.P. Bendell, R.E. Box 66Bendell, R.E.Brownlee, W.L. Bottorff, O.O. Box 66ABottorff, O.O.Boucher, H.E. Bowdish, Glenn C. Bowe, E.J. Boxell, L. Ivan Jacks, F.S. Lower, Wm. I. Palmer, A.E. Palmer, F.H. Parsons, R.A. Patterson, C.H. Pelham, Laura D. Perrin, Otto K. Pettiman, M.S. Pfiefer, Walter Phillipps, Lewis S. Piper, Dwight L. Polk , M.W. Purdy Agent, C.T. Quinn, Ralph M. Box 67Backman, C.E.Baker, T. Ray Bendell, R.E. Beyer, A.J. Bird, Faulkner C. Blanks, Harold Box 68Iams, W.M.Illinois Bell Telephone Johnston, Gordon Johns, N.L. Joiner, F.T. Parsons, Mary Pasley, H.A. Box 69Beyer, Alton J.Beyer, Gehale Bland, Wm. Blaney, Fred Blanks, Harold P. Boxell, Ivan Brantley, R.W. Bray, W. Ennis Bryan, H.J. Burnet, W.D. Burts, Sam N. Chandler, O.B. Chehock, H.W. Clinton, John D. Clymer, T. Herbert Craft, Merritt Cramer, Earnest Crouch, Lloyd G. Cushing, H.H. McClanahan, T.S. Morningstar, R.E. Swift, Mrs. Mary Wilson, Hugh Box 70Weiskopf, A.M.Whitney, F.M. Wilson, Hugh Box 71<Abbett, RobertAbels, Ralph T. Agnew, A.H. Albershardt, John H. Alexander, Jack Babbitt, F.S. Baker, Thomas R. Christian, Henry T. Cleworth, C.A. Sharpe, R. J. Young, Wildman, F.A. Wise, Mrs. Catherine Wisner, A.L. Wright, Wm. S. Young, J.P. Box 72 Damron, Smith Dana, John N. Davis, Prof. G.A. Deardurff, Harley E. Denio, E.W. Devendorf, G.E. Dukes, D.D. Dunbar, Ralph Edwards, Forest W. Ehrlich, Walter Ellis, Howell Box 72AEpting, T.B.Eustace, H.J. Evans, Will A. Evans, Will H. Field, J.D. Finch, G. W. Finger, Irving F. Finger, Prof. Raymond George Fuller Jr., Fulton, V.M. Furnas, Leonard Morton Cohn, A. Connor, S.I. Coon, Irene Cooper, J.W. Copeland, V.H. Corbett, Rudolph Cottrill, Harvey Crand, Ceccil R. Craven, John B. Crotty, L.B., Cubbage, V.W. Box 73Cummings, ElsieCunningham, L.L. Cunningham, Morton Curry, B.J. Taylor, T.W. Thomas, O.W. Towne, Olive Wagner, Blanche Alford, R.B. Box 74Alford, R.B.Allen, C. Hall Allhands, Raymond Allison, James R. Alsup, Albert H. Annon, E.M. Antisdel, Arthur M. Arbegast, F.L. Armstrong, B.F. Austin, W.L. Azdell, C.C. Barbee, H.N. Blackwood, S.E. Bolt, F.W. Bottorf, G.O. Bottorf, W.A. Bowen, H.H. Boyce, W.N. Brady, S.E. Brown, Harvey Box 75Boesel, MildredBrownlee, W.L. Burts, Sam Carlson, Charles F. Colledge, Mrs. W.A. Conner, Samuel I. Crawley, Dave Cumings, Elsie Cummins, H.D. Cunningham,Hazel Drake, Glenn Dunn, Harvey Earhart, Charles D. Eckels, H. Clyde Edwards, J. Paul Enochs, Carroll A. Evans, William H. Evenson, E.L. Fallis, C.R. Box 76Anderson, J.F.Anderson, Leonard Moran, Miss S.K. Oakes, Russell Paine, H.A. Parsons, R.A. Patterson, Ian D. Pelham, Fred Perkins, H.E. Persons, E.B. Polk, Maurice W. Pontius, A.H. Postmaster General, Price, Fred Price, J.S. Proctor, Jo Proctor, Miss J. Box 77Nye, J. EmersonOgle, Jane M. Oster, Ray Overton, Joe Owen, Mildred Graves Owens, Geo M. Owens, Robert E. Wise, Mrs. Geo. Box 78Jones, Ida S.Persons, E.B. Price, J.S. Pritchard, Lena B. Service, B.J. Underwood, T.H. Watkins, V.S. Williams, Mrs. J.L. Box 79Robison, W.J.Rockwood, H.L. Roe, Thomas Rorig, Paul H. Rosencrans, Leo Russell, F. Myrick Ryan, Katherine Salinger, Benjamin I. Saltiel, Hon.Wm. D. Sanford, C.M. Dr Satre, Arthur Satre, W. Carl Savage, Robert Scarborough, John H. Schultz, Louis f. Scruggs, Willa Seawright, C.O. Shadwick, Joseph Shambaugh, Harold E. Sheldon, V.C. Shenk, John Shobe, Noble Silcock, Joseph Sloman, Bill Wann, H.A. Warren, J.H. Box 80Alford, R.B.Allen, Wayland D. Atkinson, Samuel Austin, John C. Austin, William C. Cash, Tina Miss Holden, William C. Hall, Mary V. Harrington, Raymond Heverly, Leonard Hoover, F. Jennie Hopper, W.B. Hughes, J.T. Johnson, Paul S. Box 81Jones, A.R.Jones, Grace Jordan, Sgt. H.C. Klein, Adolph d. Kurtz, Burd P. Davis, W.W. DeBoer, John J. Dickey, L.G. Dollar, Malcolm Eldred, Harry C. Edwards, Bernice Edwards, W.C. Everets, John F.Box 82 Farrington, H.P. Farwick, August Fisher, H. Earl Foster, Chas. B. Frisbee, Roy G. Fryxell, F.M. Fudge, Chas. B. Fulton, V.M. Johnson, Mrs. Rosa Persons, E.B. Balbach, Harold E. Beavers, Glen Berry, Fred L. Blackwood, Sam E. Brown, Harry Gatling, Nina Giddings, Wilbur H. Giel, Milton G. Ginn, Chas. O. Goodrum, Debra Gorman, Thos. Goulding, Chas. E. Gray, Ada Gray, Geo. Griffith, A. W. Grindle, T. W. Grube, C. Donald Gunlock, Frank D. Hughes, W. V. Box 83Kendall, R. M.Kerr, Frank W. Ketterer, John P. Kirkpatrick, Thomas L. White Plains Office Box 84Crawford A. Peffer C.A. PefferBabbett, F. S. Backman, C. E. Burgoon, James C. Chambers, John F. Walters, Lowell E. Weiskopf, Mrs. A. Wessels, Robert H. Wiggs, John L. Wisner, A. L. Box 85Wisner, A. L.Wright, Arkley Wright, Wm. S. Wyant, Marcus E. Yandell, Louis Young, Adelbert Young, J. P. Young, John Young, J. Dale Young, R. E. Wiener, Edwin D. Wiener, Robert Williams, Harriet Williams, J. B. Wilson, Hugh Box 86Wilson, HughWilson, W. M. Wines, Jack Wise, Mrs. Catherine Davis, B. F. Davis, Bruce R. Davis, Jas. M. Davis, Robert Q. Davis, Sam A. Davis, Spencer Davis, Turpin Racey, Edgar F. Radanovits, Sandor Rahn, Wm. A. Box 87Rahn, Wm. A.Rasmusen, S. E. Records, Thos. W. Regan, James Rheinfrank, K. F. Rhodes, Charles C. Richards, C. H. Richards, C. W. Richardson, Thomas Robbins, Russell Rochelle, Alvis Dankhe, Nellie Davey, Thos. H. Dean, J. G. Dee, H. Paul Dieterich, D. W. Dodson, Wayman Eugene Domico, Alex Doty, Jacob J. Doxsee, Herald M. Dresbach, Harold M. Driskell, K. E. Eddy, Richard R. Edmunds, C. D. Elliott, Donald J. Emmons, Clemmie C. Enochs, John M. Ernberg, Axel Ernberg, Otto Box 88Evenson, E. L.Evraets, John F. Farmer, Joe Garlington, Miss M.M. Gecken, Carl F. Gillis, Alfred M. Gordon, Harry Gottschall, J.J. Oster, Ray Patterson, Wm. F. Pettyjohn, Frances Pearson, Sigrid Hughes Box 89Palmer, Henry J.Perry, Donald Persons, E.B. Peterson, K.V. Pope, H.C. Prentice, H.P. Preston, Bert Price, J.S. Priddy, Richard R. Print, Harold Edward Pritchard, Lena B. Pronant, Forest S. Peffer, C.A. Box 89ANew York, N.Y.C.A. Peffer Box 90 Peffer, C.A. Armstrong, R. Arthur, W. Bain, Geo. W. Beauchamp, Lou Brown, Mrs. Wathena Caldwell, B.M. Cary, J. Chehock, H.W. Colledge, W.A. Earl, T. Preston Faulkner, G. Box 91Gatling,NinaMcEwen,Will J. Bachman, C.E. Box 92Baker, L.L.Ballinger, Chas. L Baumeister, F. J. Bos, Martin D. Bracy, L.E. Bruner, Edna Baxter Byrd, Geo. A. Jr. Chambers, John F. Clifford, Cornell Coe, Vernard D. Coffin, Edwin W. Collyer, H.E. Coon, Aldean Cooper, S.W. Cornelison, Thos. M. Cosner, F. W. Craig, Floyd Crandon, Lucy. H. Crossley, V.E. Crothy, L.B. Crowder, Cora Cubbage, V.W. Box 92AHarrison, W.V. Bumstead, J.A.Box 93Columbus O. OfficeVawter, Keith Box 94Cedar RapidsCedar Rapids Office Chase, M.W. Box 95Waldo, E.T.Weber, Joe Wiggs, J.L. Wildman, B.W. Williams, Harriet Wilson, S.S. Wilson, Hugh Wise, J.C. Wright, Wm. S. Young, J.P. Satre, W. Carle Schaadt, Leonard Schaeffle, Luella Schumacker, Jr. F.A. Shadwich, August Shaffer, O.U. Shearon, C.G. Box 96Shenk, JohnShobe, Noble Simonds, Raymond Sinks, Kathryn Sloman, Albert Sloman, Fred Sloman, Wm. Smith, Oscar Smith, Raymonnd Smith, U.T. Snider, Dean Snodgrass, Mrs. Florence Snyder, Jas. W. Sparks, B.F. Sparling, E.M. Sparling, Gerald Springsted, L.M. Starlin, Terry Stoddard, John E. Stout, W.H. Strehlow, T.J. Strickland H.L., Stull, M. Sullinger, Chas. Box 97Summers, LeviSwanson, E.W. Bendell, R.E. Bennett, Wm. Rainey Blair, A.J. Carr, P.R. Sheldon, V.E. Shirley, R.L. Snyder, J. Foley Stein (Stine), John Suft, W.C. Terry, H.B. Thomas, O.W. Thompson, Harold E. Thompson, Nance D. Tomlinson, Geo. D. Tomlinson, Lyle F. Box 98Peffer, C.A.Box 99Shaffer, Earl W.Shepherd, W.S. Shirley, Robert Simonsen, Henry Smith, Murray Snodgrass, Florence Springsted, L.M. Suft, Walter C. Box 100Wade, Wm.T.Wall, Ralph Ward, Mack Watson, R.W. Weber, Joe Webster, Guy S. Wizard, Norman W. Wickliffe, A.C. Wildman, D.W. Willey, Paul C. Williams, G.P. Williams, Harriet Williams, Ira Wilson, Hugh Wilson, John H. Wolf, J. Leonard Woodruff, H.G. Woody, Grace Wright, J. Russell Box 101Wright, Wm. S.Suman, Maud Sutherland, Harry Swain, Carey Switzer, Corinne Turnbow, Jesse W. Peffer, C.A. Towne, Olive Turnbow, J.W. Box 102Vawter, KeithBox 103Vawter, KeithChambers, John E. Hall, H. Paul Hanner, D.A. Hannum, M.A. Harutun, John J. Haughton, Evelyn Harvey, R. Lyman Hawkins, S.R. Helm, Gordon Heltsley, Samuel Rufus Hershe, Clarence Herzog Hogan, W.J. Hotz, H.J. Hudson, Ava B. Huffman, I.V. Hughes, J.T. Ivy, J.M. Jacobs, Darcy F. Jarm, Edwin C. Jernigan, J.L. Box 104Johnson, CarlJohnston, Gordon Joseph, J.J. Joy, J.M. Kennedy, Renwick King, Doyne Orval Kinkel, Norman Korner H.W. Larrance Raymond Lavey, John B. Lawson, Fred Letts Geo. L. Bagley, E.T. Le Bake, Harry Baker, H.D. Bastian, Frank Bendell, R.E. Gray, James Green, Ralph U. Grinyer, C.B. Gross, D.L. Gurley, Henry Hadley, Henry Hale, Vernon W. Halverson, Olaf Hamilton, Clarence Kirk, Blossom Mantor, Geo. C. Stull, Maynard Sullinger, C.B. Summer, J.H. Box 105Summers, LeviSwarthout, Ruth Tabbs, K.D. Tallman, F.M. Terry, H.B. Thomas, O.W. Tibbels, H.B. Unidentified-Jr. Leaders Reports Fletcher, Elton Hamm, Ollie Edward Hammen, Ellis Hanke, Lewis N. Harkless, Jas. Harrington, Dean L. Harrington, Raymond Harris, Ward Hart Richard B. Box 106Hartman, Mrs. HelenHasseltine, Geo. L. Hatton, Frank M. Hawkins, Don P. Hawkins, John O. Hawkins, Pansye Hawley, Oscar H. Heckithorn, Alna Heeter, David S. Heffner, Harry Helfrich, Pearl Heller, Edmund Henry, Claude Herington, W.A. Herkelmann, Arnold Herrman, M.M. Herron, Mrs. H.A. Hicks, Ford Hilbers, Francis F. Hileman, Warren B. Hill, Fred Hill, Gerald Hipple, F.C. Hival, B.P. Richards, K.B. Rudy, J.M. Schwitzer Harry V., Shearon, C.G. Shedden, Russell Shepherd, W.S. Slinghoff, John E. Slosson, Ambrose K Smith, Charlotte Smith,. Everett M Smith, Mary E. Smith, Oscar W. Smith, V.T. Smotherman, Joe Snodgrass, Florence Box 106ASnodgrass, Mrs. FlorenceSparling, J.N. Springsted, Miss L. Muriel Steging, George H. Stohrer, W.A. Stout, J.C. Strawn, O.O. Suft, W.C. Summers, Levi Taylor, Russell L. Tench, S.W. Terry, H.B. Thomas, Glen H. Thomas, Thos. S. Thompson, Harold Van Horn, Walter A. Vogel, M.J. Cilley, E.C. Coad, Frank Coates, J.D. Roberts, Rhue Rule, A.H. Sears, A.B. Shotwell, Frances Shumaker, John W. Sparling, E.M. Sparling, Philip Stewart, Chas. R. Stohrer, W.A. Stoll, A.W. Sullinger, Charles Wall, Ralph S. Webb, W.T. Box 107Weber, JoeWest, Adelaide M. White, Clarence Wiard, Norman W. Williams, Harriette Wise, Mrs. Geo. W. Wisner, Arthur L. Woodruff, E.W. Woodruff, H.G. Wright, Wm. S. Young, J.P. Young, Oliver Young, Reid Young, Wallace Colledge, Wm. A. Conahan, Leo. E. Conner, Lester Burl Coon, Carl W. Cook, Ned G. Cooper, E.M. Cottam, Dr. Jos. A. Box 107ACottrill, Herman L.Couger, Devon W. Couger, Jesse D. Crane, Cecil R. Crawford, Karl R. Crawford, Lawrence E. Crawley, David W. Crowder, Chrester Cueny, Elizabeth Cumings, Elisie Cummins, H.D.Cunningham, E.F. Curry, Clark Drummond, Howard A. Hickisch, E.C. Hickman, Roberta Hicks, Elmer Hicks, Samuel E. Higginbotham, William Hilbers, Francis Hile, Otis I. Hofmeister Virgil T., Holliday, Coke G. Holloway, Wayne Holmstrom, P.W. Honan, Harold C. Hooper, Robert Hopper, Fred N. Hough, Jack W. Houston, S.M. Hovde, B.J. Hubbard,John Hubbell, Mrs. Ella Hudson, Jack Hudson, U.Z. Hughes , J.T. Humphhress, Herman Hudertmark, Paul Irvin, Runyon H. Rahn, Merl E. Ratliff, Frank L. Reid, Stewart F. Richards, Faye Rockwood, H.L. Sarg, Tony Satre, W.Carl Schultz, J.R. Woodruff, H.G. Box 107BColumbus OfficeBox 108Columbus OfficeBox 109Columbus OfficeWhitshead, Geo. Radonovits, Sandor Rahn, Wm. A. Raker, W.G. Richner, Roland G. |
Box 110Ringo, PhilipRoberts, Foley Robinson, Mrs. Catherine Rockwood, H.L. Roe, Thomas Rose, Donald G. Thomas, O.W. Vawter Committee, Wilson, Hugh Greer, H.D. Mays, Jas. F. McAllister, Harry Melanson, R.B. Messner, C.P. Muncie, J . Warren Musselman, H.Z. Price, J.S. Rheinfrank, Geo. C. Robinson Schoning, Arnt L. Shaffer, Leslie Box 111Shepherd, W.S.Snyder, Foley Stoddard, Jno. M. Stone, Richard G. Strawn, O.O. Teegarden, H.B. Thomas, O.W. Thompson, Harold Thompson, James P. Tibbens, F.G. Tice, H.O. Tome, John S. Tye, Joe B. Watkins, V.S. Wise, Mrs. Catherine Scott, Martha Sears, Myron Seawrithg, C.O. Sewell, Ike Shadwick, August H. Shaw, Chas. R. Sheldon, V.C. Shenk, John Box 112Shenk, Paul A. Jr.Shobe, Noble Silcock, J.S. Sloman, Albert E. Sloman, Wm. Smith, Donald H. Smith, J.C. Smith,Rev. J.D. Smith, L.Logan Smith, T.P. Snodgrass, Florence Sparks, B.F. Sparling, Gerald Sparling, J.N. Sparling, Phillip Springsted, L.M. Burr, Standley, R. Staver, Harry Stearman, Robert E. Steele, Robert Steffins, Russell Stephens, W.F. Stewart, Clarence W. Halliburton, E. David Hallis, D.L. Hallum, Richard Hamilton, C.H. Hamilton, Clarence Hamilton, Herschel Hammen, Ellis Peter Hansen, George Box 113Harkless, Jas.Harrington, Ray Harvey, Roy I. Hatton, Chas. M. Hatton, Frank Hawkins, Don P. Hays, A.A. Headley, Vernon H. Heinrichs, O.W. Henry, Claude Herburt, Henry Herkelmann, Arnold Herring, Mary L. Hester, Luther G. Hicks , Ford Hill, Gerald Hill, J. Fred Hipple, F.G. Box 114Kansas CityHorner, Chas. F. Box 115 Horner, Chas. F. Roth, Ralph Hicks, Ford Madden, Florence McConkey, Wendell L. Nading, Marie L. Nelson, Frank H. Nelson, John M. Neuworth, O.J. Ogle, Jane Oltman, A.G. Oster, Ray Ozier, Harold Pavey, John M. Peck, Carlin Phelps, J. Manley Box 115APhillips, L.W.Pickel, Gertude Price, Fred Price, J.S. Pryor, M.H. Alford, R.B. Allen, C. Hall Allison, C.K. Armstrong, Stella Bachman, C.E. Bailey, Alleine Barbee, H.N. Beaver, Jessie E. Benway, W.G.G. Black, Zoda Bowler, Arthur M. Calvert, T.B. Ficke, Mrs. Robt. G. Godfrey, J.S. Graves, Mildred Hance, Louise D. Holiday, O.A. Hood Kellogg, Palmer Knox, Wm. K Martin, Lena B. Mason, Maude McCammon, Alene McCluskey, Mrs. Olive Miller, Adele Miller, Fred Mossman, George Allen Noben, Mrs. Marie Nolte, Geo. O. Sidener, Grayce Rohde Terry, Homer Thomas, G.H. Box 116Trayner, Frank E.VanDever, Floyd Vaughn, Eugene B. Vetesk, A.D. Wagner, Blanche Vincent, Terrence Welch, W.E. West, Adelaide Wildman, F.A. Youree, Howard Crotty, L.B. Box 117Crotty, L.B.Carter, John H. Cash, Tina Chambers, John A. Chesnut,Jess A. Cilley, E.C. Clark, Herbert E. Box 118Clerk, F.E.Coad, Frank Cole, Jiraa D. Colledge, Dr. Wm. A. Collins, Cleveland Colson, Hermine W. Conlin, Clinton W. Cook, N.G. Cooper, Edward M. Cooper, Edw. M. Cordray, Albert Hutchinson, J. Elmer Kern, N.B. Laughlin, Harold Lay, E.T. Letts, Kenton Ludlow, Paul Madden, A.C. Madden, Florence Madden, May Mahon, G.M. McCall, E.L. McCuen, Robt. McGeary, W.R. Miller, Adele Minnema, John C. Monical, R. Morris, Harlan R. Moss, W.D. Munsey, Dudley MacKalis, Martha Madden, A.C. Madden, Florence Box 118AMadden, FlorenceMaltby, Kenneth A. Mann, Raymond Mays, J.F. McCall, Edwin L. McCluen, Max McCleure, W.F. McConkey, W.L. McCuen, W.R. McGibney, Donald McKune, Warren Melanson, R.B. Meredith, E.W. Mershon, E. Ralph Micke, I.M. Guy W. Miller, Mitchell, Ralph E. Mitchell, S.C. Moe, Sigrid Moore, Marguerite Morre, Richard Moses, Prof. Albert R. Myren, A.P. Neally, A.W. Nevitt, K.E. Newerth, O.J. Nicholson, G.M. Young, J.P. Box 119Abbott, E.M.Albershardt, F.C. Allison, A.V. Anderson, M.R. Armstrong, John W. Arnesen, N.F. Austin, John Austin, W.C. Johnson, Frank Preston Johnston, Abner Johnston, Gordon Jones, Ada Box 119AElliott, Gregory CharlesGray, Harry N. Green, Wm. Grose, Chas. A. Gross, D.L. Hadley, Henry Hallum, Richard Hamil,Jr., H.F. Hamilton, H.A. Hanlon, Fannye Hardin, Harry Hardin, Lucille Harkless, Jas. Harmon, Hugh C. Harms, Russell Harrington, Raymond Harris, Ward Haseltine, Geo. L. Hawkins, E.H. Hawkins, Russell Hicks, Ford Hipple, F.G. Holliday, Clifford R. Hoover, A.A. Hopper, W.B. Hornbrook, I. Ralph Houseman, W.E. Howard, A.T. Howard, Floyd O. Howard, Seldon Box 120Hugaboom, Oscar J.Hughes, J.L. Humphrey, Claude Huson, Chas. C. Huston, H.G. Hutchings, John W. Bargelt, H.D. Branson, A.K. Caldwell, R.W. Carey, Emmet Chase, M.W. Clem, E.S. Cowles, D.O. Crotty, L.B. Dennis, Wm. Doty, J.M. Dusenberry, J.W. Eagen, Arthur Ellison, J.R. Engle, Earle Frazier, Chas. R. Hanselmann, B.L. Heskett, A.J. Holbrook, H.N. Hughston, W.H. Jacobs, Geo. Jones, A.B. Kittel, D. Laslette, Rev. F.C. McClure, W.F. McEwen, W.J. Mechling, Frank D. Meredith, R.M. Miller, C.L. Monahan, A.H. Prestage, J. Garfield Pros. Agents Putnam, Clyde Ritter, Dwight Shungopavii Box 120ASkaggs, A.O.Smith, O.O. Smith, Richard A. Snyder, Raleigh Springer, Jr., E.B. Tiedgen, F.A. Watts, Emory Welshimer, A.G. Whitlock, S.Y. Wolff, W.G. Bacon, Fred Barbee, Henry M. Batey, R.W. Beadle, J.T. Beckstrand, O.G. Beem, Cash C. Beshgetoor, R.V. Billig, H.C. Box 121Bisaillon, Urban J.Bowman, J. Orlando Bunch, Leslie Musslemann, Harold Shigley, A.R. Smith, E.C. Stansfield, James Stokes, M.T. Stout, W.H. Sturgeon, M.E. Van Doren, C.E. Wilson, Hugh Buckingham, R.N. Carter, Fred Chism, Harold Cooper, John W. Cottrille, W. Harvey Crane, Cecil Custer, R.W. Innes, A.H. Lafoy, J.F. Laird, C.T. Landon, R.A. Lang, Samuel J. Langley, Arthur Loutt, C. Lynch, E.B. Box 122Lyon, Miss TheoLyons, Grace Macy, E.D. McClintock, A.C. McGirr, L.D. Miller, Stanley Moore, Chas. W. Musselmann, Harold Myers, Chas. J. Bowman, Robert Carlson, Oscar Carroll, Paul F. Dunlap, L. Gordon, H.A. Henderson, Leon Hubbard, John R. Poulson, L.W. Rahn, Wm. A. Reno, Jr., Ed Rheinfrank, George Smith, Howard W. Smith, W.Y. Box 122ASnyder, J.W.Sowerby, J.H. Stackman, Carl Sturgeon, M.E. Sturk, Hal C. Swift, Mary E. Tannenbaum, K.H. Teague, M.C. Thomas, Cecil Thrasher, Frederic Wardwell, Chester T. West, Estol Box 123Backman, C.E.Beadle, J.T. Booker, F.H. Bosworth, Leslie J. Bracy, L.E. Damron, Smith Deardorff, H.E. Dunbar, Harry Hackney, J.D. Harrington, Raymond Houston, Olive P. Huckle, Albert Humes, Fred Box 124Scott, C.C.Scott, R.A. Smith, Miss M.J. Smith, R.R. Ayres, Harold Bair, C.R. Bowen, H.H. Brown, K.D. Brownlee, W.L. Cote, C.F. Gibson, J.E. Grinnell, Emogene Harvey, Eleanor Hedges, H.A. Hewett, E.C. Hoadley, G.A. Holzworth, Lloyd Horning, J.O. Hughes, W.V. Hull, Frances M. Hunn, Florence McClure, W. Frank McKeever, O.D. Box 125McGregor, D.R.McSweeney, John R. Nichol, E. Sterling Nolder, Bryant B. Pilkington, Chas. S. Putnam, Clyde C. Steele, Ernest A. Adams, Robert D. Allison, S.P. Bailey, E.T. Barbee, H.N. Beard, J.C. Beckstrand, O.G. Behymer, O.E. Belcher, W.L. Bendell, R.E. Box 125ABendell, R.E.Bicknell, Geo. Blackwook, L.S. Brett, Ralph Byers, Jesse P. Cope, Clarence Lee Egbert, L.R. Engelder, Alfred Englemann, E.V. Enloe, J.J. Ernberg, Otto Evans, C.F. Evraets, J.F. Box 126Fasick, Ray H.Fawcett, C.W. Fetherston, Roy Fidlar, Chester Fields, W.J. Finley, Willard R. Fisher, Ralph Fitch, Dr. Frank F. Fogleman, Harry L. Folsom, Florence Fortner, H.V. Froehlich, Mrs. H.W. Fryers, George Wm. Fullerson, D.H.K. Funk, Mark Gady, E.R. Galloway, Macy Gambill, Walton Gamble, Oscar J. Garrett, Wm. H. Gentzler, Robert George, Raymond Gilbert, Harry Gilbert, Ruth A. Gilbert's Dixie Fun Show Gilmore, J.C. Goepper, Forrest C. Goodman, Fuller Gordon, Harry Gottschall, J.J. Graff, E.U. Gray, Francis P. Gray, H.N. Greenan, L.J. Greene, Ralph Greer, Wm. Frederick Grinyear, Clarence Grizzard, H.W. Landrith, Ira Adams, George M. Albert, Merrill J. Allanson, Ole Box 127Armstrong, B.F.Arnt, Cleveland Gravely, Randolph Gray, Francis P. Gray, Harry Gross, D.L. Hagan, Jas. L. Hake, Herbert Halcott, Robert Halliburton, E.D. Hallum, Richard Hammond, Zelma Hankins, Russell Hansen, G.M. Hanssen, John F. Hardaway, Owen O. Harold, Lacy L. Harrel, Howard W. Harrington, Raymond Hayenga, Benj. C. Higdon, W.D. Rheinfrank, Geo. C. Box 128Davis, Ben F.Davis, J.H. Dawes, Bourbon A. Dean, Jos. G. Dee, Paul Dees, Wm. F. Denlinger, Everett E. Dickerson, Bedford Dieterich, D.W. Dobson, Dallas C. Dodd, Harper B. Dodson, W.E. Donica, Roy E. Dorsey, Leroy G. Dorsey, Roy Edmond Doster, Lewis Dottery, M.B. Doty, Sydney Downey, Wm. W. Driskell, Wm. E. Duke, Cecil Duke, J.T. DuMoulin, Theodore Dunlop, Knox Ebert, H.P. Echols, Jr., Robert Edmunds, Chas. Eddy, Richard Edwards, Chas. D. Edwards, W. Cas Eldred, Harry Elliott, Gregory C. Ellis, Durward S. Ellis, Paul W. Emmons, C.C. Engelder, Alfred C. Enns, W.G. Enochs, John Erickson, Lillian Ernberg, Otto Evensen, E.L. Ezell, H.O. Fair, Samuel Farmer, Joe Fryer, G.W. Fulcher, J.C. Fuller, Harold K. Fuller, Lester R. Gady, E.A. Galloway, T.A. Gamble, Oscar Gann, J.T. Garlington, M.M. Gehrig, Clarence George, R.L. Gerken, Carl Getz, Jacob W. Giles, Henry Gillespie, Geo. R. Ginn, Mrs. Pearl M. Gishwiller, D.S. Goad, Robt. B. Gonnerman, Raymond Gordon, Harry Marshall, Lockwood Rudisill, Waverly Runyon, Theodore Box 129Felch, Geo. A.Ferguson, R.H. Frigge, Herschel Fleming, Wm. F. Fortner, Henry V. Frederick, Marie Freeman, John Frericks, Anthony J. Babbitt, F.S. Bachman, Carl Baker, Larkin L. Baker, Martin Beckstrand, O. Garfield Beers, Wm. Bending, Ralph R. Bezarth, H.P. Blackwood, S.E. Bruce, J.E. Byerly, M.F. Duncan, R.B. Connor, Elizabeth Box 130Pierce, Alfred B.Poggeman, Albert L. Towne, Miss Olive Traynor, Frand E. Trent, Dudley G. Trost, Harold G. Turner, Dr. A.E. Ulish, Frank B. Van Cleve, Harry Werf., J.A. Vander Merriet Craft Box 131Birmingham OfficeSnodgrass, Mrs. Florence Sparling, J.N. Speicher, Thoburn Spivey, Arthur W. Spees, Fred Springsted, Miss. L.L. Staver, Harry Stearman, Robert E. Box 132Sullinger, C.B.Sweet, Oney Swofford, Robert P. Taylor, J.W. Taylor, T.W. Teter, Lewis Therrell, L.O. Thomas, O.W. Thompson, Emerson McLean Thompson, Harley R. Thompson, Harold L. Thompson, Lawrence W. Thompson, L.W. Stearns, Lester W. Steeley, Robert Sterling, H.G. Stoops, John F. Stout, Charles V. Striegel, Lawrence B. Sturgeon, Mary Jane Abels, Ralph Baker, L.L. Baxter, Roy F. Bendell, R.E. Berry, Ralph Bottorf, Orville Bowen, H.H. Boyce, Wesley Burns, Paul Box 133Dahnke, NellieDaniel, Arthur P. Davey, Chas. Davis, S.C. Ray, H.E. Bendell, R.E. Berry, Ralph Immel, Chester Ingraham, F.B. Ivy, J.M. John, Nigel L. Johnson, C.W. Johnson, Elmer J. Johnson, Esther Johnston,Abner Johnston, Gordon Box 134Johnston, GordonJones, Walter K. Julian, Jack V. Lee, Chas. W. Levan, Harry Smith, E.H. Smith, Frank L. Smith, Col. O.C. Smith, S.B. Booher, F.H. Braddock, Harold Burnside, Margaret MacIntyre, Donald McGeary, Wynnifred McKune, Warren Means, Edna Meiners, Raymond E. Metcalf, Eugenia Box 135Milton, Z.R.Moe, Sigrid Moore, Charles W. Moreland, C.E. Morgan, Harley L. Morancy, H.P. Morton, Jr., Edward S. Mossbarger, Paul Murray, Richmond Mudd, Dewey Mullinax, Vincent E. Neuworth, O.J. Newell, Heber L. Mercury Press Meredith, June Gunderson, C.E. Haggie, Laird Haight, L.SS. Harrington, Raymond Heidenger, Frank Hendrickson, Ira R. Hindman, Hugh D. Hofmeister, R.C. Holden, W.G. Box 136Holloway, J.B.Holmberg, Hilding Horning, J.O. Houser, C.B. Howell, E.D. Hudson, T.A. Hughes, Birch Hughes, J.T. Hughes, Willard Hull, Frances Tesch, Walter West, Adeline Whiting, James G. Box 136AWhitney, F.M.Wideman, John W. Wilson, Hugh Young, J.P. Tarr, Alexander Tesch, Jr., W.L. Thomas, D.F. Thomas, Glenn Thomas, O.W. Box 137Thompson, Phil A.Thompson, S. Ed Tyler, Wilbur S. University Extension Minor Vandermade Verwoert, Mrs. Vincent, Fred Ward, G. Warner, Glenn Y. Wheeler, E.E. Whitford, Ralph A. Whitsell, H.W. Wiegel, Louie Williams, Alfred Williams, Edward L. Wilson, Chas. L. Wilson, Robert E. Winder, Donald W. Winegarner, R.L. Wray, G.W. Wright, Wm. S. Young, J.P. Bailey, Elwood T. Bottorff vs. Ira J. Mix Dairy Collyer, Harry E. Cotton, Earl H. Eckman, D.D. Edwards, C.F. Eichorn, Wm. Box 138Ellis, HoraceErickson, Knut E.H. Farmer, Faut, Marshall A. Fewlass, T.H. Finger, Moritz H. Fleischhauer, H. Foster, J.C. Fox, Murrey C. Fuller, Hugh Fulton, V.M. De Hugh, George Genoble, Baxter Gilbert, G.T. Gilbert, I.B. Gill, David H. Gordon, A.A. Graham, T.F. Graybill, F.L. Hoeck, Esther Matthews, Mrs. Viola McMinn, J.B. Patterson, Myrtle Radizwell, Clara Swift, Mary Dodson Vidinghoff, Hazel Weiskopf, Amy Williams, Melvin G. Wilson, Grover Garvin, J.L. Box 139Howell, R.L.Ion, M.E. Jones, R.A. Roe, Thomas Rogers, Doris E. Rohen, Elmer Rule, A.H. Russ, M.M. Sandwick, L.M. Schott, Cerrit J. Scott, A.L. Shambaugh, Harold Shank, A.A. Sharpe, Richard W. Sheldon, V.C. Shelton, Archie Shelton, Harry J. Simmons, Hoburt Sloan, Beryl Decker Sloman, Bill Smith, C.H. Smith, Frank L. Smith, Jr., R.L. Box 140Linter, C.B.Locke, D. Gilbert Mabry, Andrew C. McCormick, L.E. MacDonald, Lloyd McFaddden, Marion Madden, Florence Dale Maltby, Kenneth Matthews, P.F. Palmer, Ross H. Pearson, Sigrid Persons, E.B. Preston, Bernard Quinn, L.E. Quinn, Ralph M. Quire, Frank C. Callithan, R.E. Chehock, H.W. Conklin, Ray Conwell, Leon E. Coons, O.A. Cooper, J.W. Box 141Cooper, J.W.Cotta, Ralph L. Coulter, D.W. Craft, Fred Crotty, L.B. Culver, C.T. Davis, Harold M. Duteau, Alfred Melum, E.E. Morningstar, R.E. Nesler, L.T. Shaw, James S. Taylor, Walter Thomas, O.W. Van Hook, F.C. Von Turner, B. West, Emerson Winegarner, Ralph L. Wright, W.S. Young, Lee D. Box 142Laird, C.R.Laurant, Eugene Lee, E.C. Lee, Henry Lee, John J. Box 143Callanan, W.F.Cleworth, C.W. Copeland, Willard Cornelison, Thomas M. Crossley, V.E. Daniell, Rev. N. Carter Devereaux, Con Devereaux, H.C. Devereaux, Henry Dickey, L.G. Dickenor, B.H. Dixon, Wendell Dollar, Malcolm Box 144Dougherty, WinfieldDukes, D.D. Stanberry, F.E. Stigers, M.F. Thomas, O.W. Alford, R.B. Cambell, Thos. E. Cooper, J.W. Immel, Chester W. Jacobs, Walter Jaqua, Robert H. Jenkins, Wm. Jetton, Walter C. John, N.L. Johns, Larry Keach, James Roland Kelly, Fred Kemp, J.D. Kepler, Murton Kesser, O.D. Box 145King, Ira F.Kinkead, Kenneth Kovall, J.P. Kuast, Edwin J. La Boe, A.J. Lane, F.W. Larson, Stanley G. La Rue, Irving Lefevre, Robert Macintyre, Maragaret Sage, Paul Raymond Sawyer, P.N. Schwartz, F.C. Shera, E.K. Southwick, J.D. Stausfield, James H. Strine, R.P. Dodson, Clio R. Jacobs, W.M. Jeffords, R.J. Jr. Jenkins, J.L. Jennings, J.L. Jetton, W.C. John, N.L. Johnson, Jerry Johnston, Elmer J. Johnston, Fay M. Jones, A.L. Kelley, Fred Kelly, John A. Kerney, J.D. Kiester, W.E. Kinzie, Raymond A. Kirbo, Joseph H. Box 146Kirk, BlossomKittoe, Mrs. I.D. Kniss, Victor Livingston, Katherine Lloyd, Henry B. Lockridge, Eugenia M. Logan, John Hicks, Ford Johston, Gordon Jordan, A.H. Box 147Perry, Donald M.Pogue, Robert Quinn, L.E. Radanovits, Sandor Rahn, W.A. Reddick, PaulRichards, Faye Rockwood, H.L. Roe, Tom Romeis, F.L. Rosencrans, Leo S. Coit-Alber Bureau Box 148Coit-Alber BureauCoit Bureau Box 149Radanovits, SandorCross, Red Richards, K.B. Robeson, Wm. B. Roe, Thomas St. Clair Service Sawyer P.N., Scudder, W.R. Shafer, Theodore Sparling, J.N. Springsted, L.M Stephan, Harry C. Stephan, L.E. Stone, Earle G. Sutherland, Harry Switzer, Corinne |
Box 150College, Wm. A.Crotty, L.B. Ogle, Jane Oltman, A.G. O'Neill, Pat Oswalt, Margaret Parsons, Mary L. Pasley, W.B. Pennington, Lucy Marquette R.R., Pere Persons, E.B. Plumb, Chas. O. Price, Fred A. Price, J.S. Distribution Printing Box 151Peffer, C.A.White Plains Office Box 151APeffer, C.A.White Plains Office Halcott, Robert Herbert, Henry W. Hermann, Wm. Hershman, C.W. Hester, Luther G. Hicks, Ford Higgins, Philip Hill, C.L. Hill, Fred Hill, Gerald Hipple, Floyd Box 152Hollman, Theo.Holloway, Wayne Honeycomb, Maurice Horr, Marie Horton, C.E. House, Jr., George E. Houston, Sam Howard, A. Ted Howard, Maurice Hoyt, Bessie Hudson, Jack Hudson, Wm. Z. Hughes,J.T. Hundertmark, Paul E. Hunter, Walter Hutton, W.A. Iams, Virgil May Irby, Jas. C. Irwin, J.E. Jackson, F.H. Jacobson, Bernard W. James, Jr., Perry B. Jarvis, Leonard Meiners, Raymond E. Snoddgrass, Florence Sparrow, Loretta Spencer, Jr., Chas. Springsted, Murl Stout, Ross W. Stover, J.E. Stuart, Leila Sturkie, Mrs. E.D. Surprenant, J. Box 153Jacobs, W.M.James, Elliott Johnson, C.E. Johnson, R.H. Johnson, R.W. Johnston, Wilbur H. Johnston, Abner Johnston, Gordon Jones, Archie Jones, W. Dixon Juett, Mr. B. Kelly, F.D. Kendall, R.M. Kennedy, R.C. Kerns, Sterling Kester, Geo. Klontz, Emerson Knox, Wm. K. LaRue, Robt. G. Leake, Ceylon C. Logan, A.J. Long, Don Ludlow, Paul Lunsford, Everett Macklin, L.A. McKnight, M.D. Mallett, Geo. S. Meiners, Raymond E. Mitchell, D.P. Moore, Chas. W. Box 154Morelock, J.E.Mudd, Dewey Myers, M.C. Albershardt, Jack Allen, Jas. Ashcroft, Lucinda Aylesworth, George Babbitt, F.S. Backman, C.E. Baker, T. Ray Barkley, D.E. Barnes, F.W. Benner, Earl Berkland, A.K. Bewley, L.B. Black, C.M. Blackwood, S.E. Blanchard, T.H. Boardman, Norman H. Bolyard, N.W. Brown, Jas. Brown, K.D. Bryson, Paul R. Burgoon, J.C. Duncan, Mary V. Hodges, L.M. Holden, Wm. G. Kelly, Fred Box 155Kennedy, W. CraigKennett, L.B. Keplar, Murton Kerns, Sterling Kerr, Grover D. Key, Tucker King, Ira F. Kinkead, Kenneth Kinsey, Carl Kintner, Galen F. Kuebel, H.J. Knowlton, Jr., Henry Knox, W.K. Koch, M.S. Koffman, I.H. Kovall, J.P. Kunst, E.J. LaBoe, A.J. LaDue, J. Lamkin, Paul D. Larmore, Joseph F. Larson, Stanley LaRue, Irving Latta, Mrs. Edna Moore Laurant, Eugene Leaverton, Lucille Lee, Erven C. Lehman, Lucille Lehr, Harold Llewelyn, E.J. Means, Edna Balbach, H.E. Beadle, J.T. Bottorf, O.O. Bowen, H.H. Brown, Harry Bundy, C.W. Box 155ALyons, GracePearson, Lyman R. Pendroy, Abbie Penn, R.R. Phelps, J. Manley Phillips, Lawrence Phillips, V.F. Pittman, Rev. Hudson H. Powlen, Harold E. Pringle, J.T. Purser, Emma Quinn, Lee Reno, Ed Rosier, Jr., D.H. Sowerby, J.H. Stevens, R. Stout, W.H. Surplus, War Hamer, George Herington, W.A. Holmstrom, P.W. Hoover, Florence J. Hornbrook, I.R. Horner, Chas. F. Box 156Horner, Chas. F.Hoskins, Margaret Hoult, Geneva Hovde, B.J. Howard, A.T. Howell, Donald E. Hugaboom, Oscar J. Hughes, J.T. Huston, Lee Hutchings, John Vawter, Keith Wilson, Hugh Box 157Dalin, Chas.Damerow, Arthur Darden, H.W. Dare, James Davey, Barrie Davis, Benj. F. Davis, Katherine L. Davis, Sam A. Davis, Spencer Davis, Turpin Davison, Angeline Dean, Joseph G. Decker, Verla R. Dexter, Frank H. Dieterich, D.W. Dixon, Chas. H. Dixon, F.A. Dobson, W.E. Doggitt, A.C. Dowler, Geo. M. Drake, Glenn Drake, Homer Dunster, D.F. Dyer, Dorothy Dyer, Joe Edmonds, Charles D. Edwards, J. Paul Elliot, Donald Enders, Frances L. Enochs, C.A. Enochs, John M. Epps, W. Norman Ernberg, Mrs. Anna Emberg, Otto H. Ervin, Mrs. Flo Ervin, Mrs. Sarah Evenson, E.L. Fairey, R.T. Farris, Lester Collins Fariss, Chas D. Ferguson, Craig Ferguson, Dan C. Finch, Meryl B. Fisher, A.R. Fletcher, U.G. Foley, Lorimer J. Foote, J.E. Ford, Henry A. Frank, Wendell Frazier, Harry O. Frazier, R.J. Frederick, Lymond French, E.R. Frick, M.B. Hatton, Charles Hayenga, Benj. C. Marjorie Hayslett Heinrichs, N.W. Henderson, Edgar Henry, Claude Box 158Baker, C. F.Birch, C.W. Blance, C.H. Booker, L.E. Brink, D.E.. Brown, Margaret Davis, E.L. Dickie, Muir Dunbar, Harry Duwelius, Raymond Hawkins, Fred Leskett, A.J. Laird, Mrs. C.R. Box 159Rheinfrank, Geo. C.Ridgeway, Katherine Riggs, Harlan A. Shonert, Ed Smith, C.B. Blackwood, S.E. Gabriel, Kathryn Gady, E.A. Ganzenmueller, Clara E. Gass, Geo. S. Gatling, Nina Gellens, Milton George, Olin Gibson, Ralph M. Gilbert, Ellsworth Gillis, Alfred M. Ginn, Pearl Amos Gipson, C. Githius, Harry W. Gordon, Harry Gottschall, J.J. Gould, Herbert Gouldinng, Chas. E. Hammond, J. Hill, Elmer Hoffman, Horace Howard, C.C. Huffman, Sidney Box 159AJohnson, LucileKetterer, M.B. Lang, S.J. Leatherbery, D.F. Lembke, C.W. Liebfarth, T.L. Lindberg, G. Libingston, J.W. Long, Edw. Lovell, J.L. Lovett, O.C. Luce, C.M. McCann, J.L. McEdward, Mrs. L.H. Martin, R.L. Minish, B.S. Mulch, H.C. Pasley, H.A. Snodgrass, Florence Taylor, Mrs. E.M. Thomas, Glen Thomas, O.W. Box 160Thomas, O.W.Thomas, Price Tome, John S. Valentine, Evan Vincent, Terrence Wade, William T. Whistler, B.G. Williams, Harriet Wilson, Hugh Yarnell, C.C. Young, Josephine Box 161Behymer, O.E.Hagen, A.H. Hinckly, Verne Holden, W.G. Howell, R.L. Hunt, D.G.. Palmer, Frank Pasley, W.B. Box 162Patterson, C.H.Pearson, Earl Potts, E.F. Van Dusen, E.C. Baker, L.L. Bendell, R.E. Brown, R.W. Ketterer, M.B. Box 163Lyons, Grace Balmer, Frank Pasley, W.B.Perkins, Benj. C. Backmann, C.E. Swift, Mrs. Mary Smith, Harold Smith, Mary Snodgrass, Florence Box 164Snodgrass, FlorenceSnyder, James U. Suft, Walter C. Sutton, Leo J. Swartz, Howard Iler, C.B. Jackson, W. Burt Johnston, Gordon R. Jones, C.R. Kendall, R.M. Kennedy, John W. Kershaw, Austin Keseberg, F.H. Kester, H.W. Klatte, Fred H. Knox, W.K. McFadden, Jeanette Madden, May Box 165Mawrence, Mrs. BlancheMichel, Ida Wade, James Walker, Ray Louis Walkup, Harold D. Weathermax, Lester T. Weber, Joe West, Adelaide White, Robert E. Whitney, F.M. Wildman, F.A. Williams, Ira Winegarner, Wright, W.S. Vandever,Floyd W. Young, J.P. Kansas City Horner, Chas. F. Box 165AHorner Office Com.Rodabaugh, J.F. Coons, O.A. Horner, C.F.Box 166 Colledge, Dr. Wm. A. Dunbar, Harry Finger, R.H. Fisher, J. Scott Fitch, Wm. Flint,F.A. Fox, A.N. Fuller, W.W. Hague, S.E. Hague & Smith Maxwell, Hahn Hanson, A.C. Harrington, Raymond Harrold, Cynthia Anne Heminger, L.N. Hocking, Sam Hoff, John J. Hornbuckle, Ernest Irving, Geo. B. Jackson, Walter E. Jacquin, E.N. Jennings, John W. Johnson, G.R. Johnston, Gordon R. Jones, Chas. L. Ogle, Jane Box 167Cushing, B.E.Daniels, Chas. Drake, Homer League, Drama Driskell Kelsie E., Duncan, Mary V. Eaton, J. Frank Fassett L.A., Perkins, H.E. Pfaff, Edward Poarch, W.E. Pontius, A.H. Porter, Sam W. Pruitt, Frank Purcell R.G., Engstrom, C.B. Everhart, J.B. Ewing, W.A. Gail, Edna J. Gatling, Nina Geer, Lloyd L. Gilbert, Wm. G. Goddard, Fred Gordon, George Gothard, R.W. Gowans, Alan Graham, T.F. Graut, Arthur G. Greene, Homer V. Griffin, Mary Gunderson, C.E. Hard, F.C. Hayes, Edw. B. Hewett, E.C. Hicks, Ford Huffman, I.V. Box 168Horner, ChasKansas City Office Box 168A Horner, Chas. F. Facksteder, S.S. Parsons, R.A. Pelham, Fred Prescott, W.B. Price, J.S. Priest, A.R. Box 169Procter, JoQuinn, Herbert F. Ray, H.E. Scattergood, Wm. Snyder, J.U. Sparling, J.N. Springsted, Miss L.M. Stout, W.H. Sutherland, Harry Box 170Noggle, Wave L.Ogle, Jane M. Ong, Jr., George F. Osborn, John R. Oster, Irvin Oster, Ray Owens, G.A. Owens, George Scott, Ward Shermann, H.F. Stanberry, Frank Steffins, Roy H. Stonecypher, D.D. Box 171Hathaway, Geo. P.Boston Office Hathaway, G.K. Dunbar, Harry Box 172Boston OfficeHathaway, G.H. Parkinson, C.B. Hayes Payne, Raymond Peace, Jr., A.m. F. Pearson, Sigrid Perry, Donald Persons, E.B. Peterson, K.V. Waldo, E.T. Waterstreet, Miss Mary Welch, Ralph W. Wells, Rash Box 173Whitcomb, L.M.Whitehead, G.G. Wiggs, John L. Wiley L.J. Williamson, Gavin Wilson, Alice Wilson, Hugh Wilson, Steedley S. Winegarner, Ralph L. Wise, Mrs. Geo. Wisner, A.L. Wright, Hugh Box 174 Wright, Wm. S. Phillips, L.W. Plattenburg, C.H. Potter, E.H. Powers, Wm. J. Preston, Bert Cora Protho, Sarah Box 175Cora Protho, SarahProwant Forest S.,Prowant, Fred E. Quinn, J.B. Basler, Capitola Beckstrand, O.G. Berry, Ralph L. Blackwood, S.E. Bottorf, O.O. Burger, A.M. Rahn, W.A. Reamer, T.H. Reel, James Rosier, D.H. Runner, Louis O. Tomlinson, G.D. Totten, Jeanette Box 176Towne, OliveTrappe, F.C. Trumbell, Florence Tune, Robert H. Turnbow, Claude C. Van Deren, John M. Peffer, C.A. Box 177Peffer, C.A.Ellison-White Bureau Box 178Ellison-White BureauAdams, B. Backer, Maurice Baker, Katherine Stiles Barbee, H.H. McConkey, W.L. McCord, R.B. McCuaig, W.C. McGeary, Wynnifred McGowan, Jr., W.T. McKnight, Doran McKune, Warren Megaw, Bert Meiners, Raymond E. Box 179Reed, Ralph J.Ross, Howard S. Rubenstein, Irwin Sewell, Wayne P. Smith, Hortense York, Katherine Lyle Nottner, Wm. Novak, Frank John Obermeyer, M.D. Ohman, Paul Ratto, John B. Netherton, H.E. Neuworth, O.J. Nicholson, L.A. Morancy, H.P. Morelock, J.E. H. Morgan, Albert B. Mossbarger, Paul Mudd, Dewey Mullinax, V.E. Myrick, James Merritt, W.C. Mertins, M.L. Miller, Kenneth Miller, Lucille Moe, Mrs. Sigrid Moore, Chas. W. Merely, Glen R. Menges, Hugh W. Ackerman-Quigley Co. Box 180Alford, Don B.Bough, Jesse Beadle, J.F. Beadle, J or T. Bendell, R.E. Beuway, W.G. G. Berry, Ralph Beverseant, Joe Blockshear, Gill W. Blackwood, Henry Blackwood, Leland Bowen, H.H. Boyer, Wesley Bradford, Flora L. Bridge, James W. Brillhart, C.B. Bottorff, Orvilleo Brett, Ralph F. Bryan, Morgan Byerly, W.F. Box 181Blackwood, G.E.McClure, Frank McCoy, Bob McEwen, Will J. McGirr, L.D. McGregor, Donald McNown, C.W. Marker, Ray B. Miller, Clarence Miller, C.C. Moore, Chas. W. Moore, J. Morris Box 182Shaw, C.A.Teagarden, J.R. Thomas, O.W. MacGregor, Donald MacIntyre, R.P. McKenzie, Floyd S. Mabry, Fred Madden, Florence Madden, Ruth May Maddox, Grace A. Mahan, W.B. Marvis, A.H. Mather, Geo. C. Meloy, John W. Miller, A.L. Miller, C.L. Miller, Earl A. Mills, Geo. E. Minor, Harry Misner, Rheo Mitchell, Myrtle Irene Mizer, W.F. Moore, C.W. Moore, Victor Hugo More, Thomas D. Jr. Moreton, D.P. Morton, Prof. D.D. Moss, W.D. Mossholder, Paul Mow, Harold G. Murphy, R.E. Nall, D.E. Nelson, V.O. Newcomer, Paul Perkins, H.E. Box 183Parsons, MaryPeterson, Prof. P.W. Person, E.B. Ala. Birmingham Office Box 183AAla. Birmingham Office Birmingham Office Birmingham Committee Coit-Alber Bureau Coit-Alber Chautau-quasBox 184Coit-Alber Chautau-quasMcCown, Jarman McCoy, Madge McDonald, L.A. McDonell, J.S. MacEwen, Hilton Box 185McGinnis, R.A.McIntyre, C.B. MacKillop, Neil McLean, A.H. Magill, Charles E. Maltby, Kenneth Marshall, Sam M. Marshall, W.J. Martin, W. Clyde Nathena, Beula Matheson, Donald I. Matson, A.E. Maupin, T.C. Mazyck, Henry Mead, Gordon V. Means, Edna Meiners, R.B. Meldrum, Max Messervy, J.E. Milhous, John Phillips Miller, Carl Miller, Ernest R. Miller, Lynn Miller, Robert Milner, Howard Milner, Willis H. Milton, E.M. Moe, Sigrid Pace, Thomas O. Hainsworth, William Lake, Lenora M. Box 186McCloud, JohnMcDill, James McDonald, L.A. McFadden, John F. MacFadden, Marian Maxwell, Harry Meneley, Glen Moore, Eleanor Moore, Marion Glenn Moore, Paul L. Moore, Ralph D. Mullinax, V.E. Murphy, Ben W. Nafziger, Everett Neal, H. Paul Ness, Jessie Neuwerth, O.J. O'Brien, J.E. O'Hara, Paul Butler Ormsbee, Lyle Osborn, J.R. Oster, Ray Overall, Nathaniel McLyn Owen, G.A. Owen, Leroy David Owens, George Preston, Burt Price, Maurice Sewell, Wayne Box 187Adams, B.H. Adams, Jesse Alexander, Harry Alford, C.L.Alford, R.B. Bottorff, O.O. Davis, Chas. B. Davis, Clarence W. Deboer, John J. Depew, Ray M. Dickie, Muir Dillard, Jack Dollar, Malcolm Dorrance, R.R. Douglas, Jas. B. Dreyer, R.A. Dunning, Franc Innis, A.H. Isaacs, Caspar G. Jackson, Clifton D. Johnson, Antone Johnson Arthur Johnston, R.E. Kallstrom, E.A. Keith, A.E. Ketcham, Clifford T. Kleiman, Harold A. Koogle, Virginia Kramer, Russell Kresky, W.J. McCann, J.L. McClonn, Lewis McConnell, Jr., Lincoln McCracken, James McKinney, F.A. MacQueen, L.I. MacWilliams, Wm. B. Marker, Roy B. Martin, John D. Box 188Mayer, R.W.Minish Burton S. Moore, Chas. W. Morrison, Donald E. Muncie, Emory Muncie, Robert O'Riley, Will Andrea, Albert Backman, C.E. Baker, Howard Baker, L.L. Bishop, Ella Boyer, Omer. C. Bronson, A.K. Brown, Donald C. Bumis, Edward J. Bunton, E.F. McClintick, W.H. McClure, W. Frank McGregor, D.E. McIntyre, R.P. Madden, Florence Martin, R.L. Meade, Joseph T. Michael, Paul J. Miller, Earl A. Miner, Chas. E. Box 188AMinor, H.R.McClugg, A.C. McEwen, Will J. McKeehan, J. Frank Meyers, Maurin R. Messner, C.P. Box 189Morningstar, R.E.Nail, Wm. F. Newmark, A.E. Notestein, R.B. Oates, Arthur R. Ogle, Jane Packard, Sidney Alton Pasley, W.B. Pelham, Fred Perkins, H.E. Porter, Earl W. Protzman, A.A. Miller, Stanley Matthews, E.B. Messner, Kris Myren, A. Paine, H.A. Parsons, R.A. Pasley, Art Box 190Pasley, W.B.Pfaff, Ed Polk, M.W. Price, J.S. Priest, A.R. Quinn, Herbert F. Quinn, Ralph M. Rahn, W.A. Box 191Birmingham Office Statements BackmanBirmingham Office Box 192Birmingham OfficeCampbell, H.L. Carroll, Paul Conkiln, Ray Cooper, Alex Cotta, Homer W. Crotty, L.B. Culver, C.T. Kaub, Verne P. Ketchem, C.T. Klaus, P.H Landis, R.G. Moore, C.W. Perry, Donald Persing, C.I. Persons, E.B. Box 193Persons, E.B.Vivian, R.L. Brett, Ralph Bryan, Solon H. Moe, Sigrid Morris, Fred Mossman, George Allen Mullinax, V.E. Neumann, K.B. Neuworth, O.J. Box 194Newby, ChesterNoggle, Wave L. O'Rourke, Jas. H. Owens, Mr. Geo. Owens, H.A. Owens, W. Harold Pace, D.R. Page, John C. Panabaker, W.C. Panghorn, Harold Parker, Ruth Parkinson, Carol Parrish, Wm. E. Parrott, Helen Eugene Peterson, Newland Phillips, H.C. Pierce, Warren D. Porch, Russell Prowant, Arlie Rheinfrank, G.C. Ristine, E.R. Rothschild, M.M. Rudd, Van B. Rudd, W.C. Rupert, H.J. Teeter, R.W. Adamson, J.F. Austin, P.H. Morrison, H.L. Oakley, Victor Dale O'Brien, James Ogle, Jane Oltman, Paul V. Oster, Harvey Oster, Ray Box 195Oster, RayMcGinty, Jos. B. McIntyre, A.B. McKnight, Doran McLean, Alney H. McMurray, E.C. McMurty, J.G. McNeill, Carlos Meiners, R.E. Messervy, J.E. Box 196Metcalf, EugeniaMiller, Carl Miller, Lynne Miller, Robert Mills, James Clifford Milner, Willis Milton, E.M. Milton, Z.R. Moore, Charles W. Morgan, Geoffrey Moulds, Donald McCallister, D.W. McCord, Walter Brown McCuaig, W.J. McDonell, John S. Marshall, Lockwood Martin, Martina Martian, Oliver Matson, A.E. Prothro, Sarah Cora Box 197Prothro, Sarah CoraPugh, Meredith Quinn, J.B. Radanovits, Sandor Rahn, Wm. Ralston, E.B. Reid, Calvin Graham Reynolds, O.N. McClure, W.F. Palmer, A.E. |
Box 197APowers, C.O.Rahn, W.A. Adams, G.M. Alvis, H.J. Anderson, R.N. Applegate, S.G. Arnold, A.G. Kallstrom, E.A. Box 198Kendall, R.M.Knight, P.B. Knox, W.K. Madden, Florence Mead, J.T. Ohio--Crotty McClure Harrison Thomas, O.W. Wilson, Hugh Box 198AKansas CityHorner, C.F. Box 199Horner, Chas. F.Pittsburgh Office Box 199A Brockway, J.E. Brockway Committee Boyd, Geo. S. Box 200Alden, Hollis E.Alford, D.B. Alford, R.B. Allanson, Oscar Alley, Norman Allinbaugh, C.J. Alvis, H.J. Arvold, A.G. Austin, Paul Backman, C.E. Bisallan, Urban Blackwood, Henry M. Bogue, Leonard Bottorff, O.O. Brockway committee Browne, Christopher W. Box 201Brown, MoorelandByers, W.M. Abrams, Samuel N. Agents Augusta Entertainment Course Barnard, Elwood Beadle, J.T. Benway, W.G. Behymer, O.E. Beshgetoor, R.V. Betts, E.L. Borley, I.S. Blackwood, S.E. Box 202 Bowdin, Grover C. Brillhart, C.B. Brown, S.W. Burris, Edward J. Horner, Chas. F. Box 203Horner, Chas. F. Bendell, R.E. Haligas, Kenneth Hanan and Company Hans, James Harrell, Lee H. Helm, Gordon Herzog, Paul H. Hester, M.S.Hewes, Clifford C. Hicks, Ford Hoenes, Max P. Box 204Hopper, W.B.Howard, A.T. Hudson, Ava B. Hughes, J.T. Seldon, Howard Houston, Mrs. Olive P. Hovey, Albert Lee Jarms, E.C. Jasper, Rita Johnson, C.E. Johnson, D.G. Johnson, Robert Johnston, Gordon Joseph, J.J. Bendell, R.E. Box 205Harshbarger, D.E.Hudson, Ava B. Hughes, J.T. Korbus, Florence Kovall, J.P. Lester, Orrin Harkless, Jas. Harmon,Carl S. Harrington, O. Raymond Haughton, E. Hawkins, Dave Herman, F.W. Hester, Marshall Hughs, W.V. Box 206Hughs, W.V.Ivins, J.W. Ivy, J.M. Baker, L.L. Box 207Baker, L.L.Bendell, R.E. Box 208Cloud, MayCloud, M.A. Cooper, J.W. "Smilage" Gov. Program Box 209Birmingham Ala OfficeBox 210Birmingham OfficeCaldwell, Geo.W. Calhoun, J.B. Camp Activites Chicago Civic Bureau & Platform Clark, Mrs. Geo P. Collins, J.W. Collyer, H.E. Connelison, Thos. M. Cooper, Dave Craft, Fred Crotty, L.B. Kendell, R.M. Penn. Community Club Plan Box 211Persons, E.B.Sharp, L.G. Shurtz, E. Judson Smith, H.E. Smith, Maude Smith, R.R. Smith, R.W. Smith, W.V. Swift, Mrs. Mary Brantly, Wilson Brasseau, Leon R. Brehm, E.W. Brightbill, Lyle Brinklow, Howard K. Brown, W.N. Brownlee, W.L. Bruso, E.B. Burdall, Milford Burton, James A. Cannon, Eliz Carey, H.L. Carlin, C.R. Carney, Ted Cash, Tina Cason, Earl Caverly, Keith Hartman, Mrs. Helen M. Box 212 Hausman, W.E. Hedlund, Walter Heemstra, G. Heinricks, O.W. Heishman, Herbert E. Heltsley, Melvin Hipple, Floyd Hitchcock, Chas. Hitchcock, Fred Hutchings, John W. Hynes, Wm. Jackson, W.Burt Jacobs, W.M. Bendell, R.E. Bottorff, O.O. Kendell, F.M. Kerns, Sterling R. Ketring, J.H. Keirnan, T.L. Box 213King, RufusKirlin, Kenneth Koch, G.W. Korner, H.W. Priest, A.R. Rich, E.G. Richard, Edna Rochester, W.H. Schwartz, W.H. Shaw, C.A. Short, Ray L. Smelker Albert M., Snyder, Jas. U. Spencer, Harry B. Steele, Jessie Stephenson, O.B. Sturgeon, Mary Cedar Rapids--Vawter Box 214 Cedar Rapids- Vawter Bendell, R.E. Box 214ABendell, R.E.Bird, W.W. Blanchard, Thos. Blanks, Harold Bliss, Marian Boggess, Thomas E. Borland, John M. Bowley, Luther B. Boxwell, Ivan Davis, Bertile L. Hughs, W.V. Thomas, O.W. Columbus Box 215Columbus O. OfficeBox 216Ohio Com.McBride, Charles O. McCord, Brown McCord, Ralph McCormick, Everett McCown, Jarmon McDonell, John S. McFadden, James MacFadden, Marian McGibney, Donald McGorrisk, Mrs. D.H. McIntyre, C.B. McKee, Herbert McKune, Warren Mclean, Alney H. McNeill, Carlos Magor, Robert M. Marolf, Roy W. Marshall, E.A. Martin, Ed J. Martin, Mary Maniere Martin, Oliver Martin, W. Clyde Mason, Mrs. L.J. Mason, Maude M. Massman, Frank E. Massman, Magdalen Meiners, Raymond E. Menges, Hugh W. Meredith, June Box 217Metcalf, EugeniaMilholin, Claire Milton, B.R. Clearwater, Ivan Davis, Joe M. Devereaux, Con Devereaux, F.L. Dewey, Frank DuBourdion, Wm. J. Evans, Joe E. Everts, F.G Farmer, E.H. Faucett, J.R. Fiedler, J.H. Fisher, J. Scott Foes, Miss A.K. Form letters Fredrick, A.D. Fulton, Vincient M. Box 218Huffman, I.V.Melaik, Louis G. Mickle, Clarence Rutland Middlebrooks, Rosa Middleton,Arthur Milhous, John Philip Mills, Clifford Milner, Willis H. Minor,Jr., C.S. Moe, Miss Sigrid Moon, John Moore, Eugenia Moore, Nancy Upton Moore, Theodore C. Morancy, H.P. Morgan, Jewell A Mueller, Alfred R. Muller, Herbert O. Muncie, J. Warren General Pros. Agents Bottorff, O. Box 219Damron, SmithDevereaux, H.C. Dunbar, H.C. Pennington, Lucy Riley, Thos E. Rogers, Victoria Horner, Chas. F. Box 220Kansas CityKansas City Office Campbell, Kenneth Carter, John Baker, T. Roy Bestor, Arthur Box 221Cumings, ElsieDollar, Malcolm Fant, M.A. Fischer, J. Scott Fleming, N.J. French, Gordon Geer, Lloyd Gent, John J. Gilbert, G.T. Goddard, Fred D. Grigsby, Paul Gunderson, C.E. Harmon, P.M. Abbott, E.M. Armstrong, J.W. Bendell, R.E. Box 222Blanchard, Thos. W.Boardman, N.H. Bottorff, O.O. Bundy, Charles W. Calley, A.B. Campbell, Tom W. Coburn, J.W. Cummings, Elsie Cummins, H.D. Davis, B.F. Duval, Ade Eades, Roscoe Hall, Andy Harris, Ward Hartman, M. Helen Heemstra, Simon Ingram, Fred B. James, Elliott Johnson, C.E. Johnson, F.P. Johnston, Gordon Johnston, Wilbur H. Juett, J.B. McConkey, W.L. MacDonald, Jean Nelles, N.G. Oster, Ray Pearson, Sigrid Ratto, John B. Rockwood, H.L. Shearon, C.G. Shenk, John C. Shirley, R.L. Smith, Oscar W. Smith, Otto G. Sparling, E.M. Towne, Olive Waldo, E.T. Woodrff, H.G. Connor, Ellen Box 223Connor, EllenConnor, Elizabeth Cottam, Jos. A. Crabtree, Byrdie Crane, Cecil R. Crowell, Porter D. Blevins, Clarence Hill Miller, Carl H. Moe, Sigrid Morrow, Ford B. Morton, Ed S. Mullinax, V.E. Murry, Richmond Neuworth, Orville J. Box 224Radanovits, SandorRahn, Wm. A. Rasmussen, S.E. Reddick, Raul G. Regen, Wm. Marvin Reynolds, O.F. Sheldon, Thos. Reynolds Rhodes, C.C. Rhodes, Hugh Rice, Robert L. Richards, Ray Richards, W.F. Richardson, Lewis Richardson, Ora V. Robertson, Dale Rochelle, Alvis Roe, Thos. Roper, Gladys Rose, Clifford M. Rudisill, Waverly Salkeld Schultz, Louis F. Seawell, Thos. M. Sharpe, Richard W. Sheldon, V.C. Shobe, Noble Sloan, Beryl Decker Sloman, A.E. Sloman, Wm. Smathers, Robert Campbell Connor, Elizabeth Box 225Connor, ElizabethCrawley, D.W. Crotty, L.B. Culbertson, Harry Cummins, H.D. Cutler, Everett S. Charlton, London Coon, Owen L. Cooper, J.W. Cotta, Ralph Box 226Dickey, L.G. Dickie, Muir Dickey, Sol Erickson, Kent Fulton, V.M. Kendell, R.M.Abrams, S.N. Adams, Geo. M. Adamson, J.Friece Alexander, W.H. Allanson, O.L. Allen, Charles E. Box 227Austin, Paul T.Baker, L.L. Beers, W.C. Bendell, R.E. Benway, W.G. Bottorff, O.O. Brett, Ralph Burger, A.M. Box 227ABeadle, J.T.Birmingham, R.J. Blackwood, S.E. Cooper, J.W. Ellis, Dr. Horace Michels, Ida E. Murray, Lehore Stump, Albert U. of Wisconsin Extension Div. Wainwright, Marie Webster Vaudeville Circuit Albis, H.J. Arnold, A.G. Bailey, E.T. Beckstrand, O.G. Box 228Ewing, Wm. A.Finger, Newton Finger, R.H. Fiser, Donald Fox, Guy Fox, Murray C. Fulcher, Maurice Fuller, Jas. A. Alford, Don B. Alford, R.D. Backman, C.E. Chamberlain, Harold Box 228AAlvis, B.Y.Chapman, J.H. Collyer, Harry E. Crossley, V.E. Crumpacker, Odell Michels, Ida E. Box 229Behymer, O.E.Beshgetoor, R.V. Bissalon, Joe Blaugh, H. Walter Bowman, J.O. Bowser, Geo. E. Broyles, J.L. Burdick, B.W. Messner, F.G. Mitchell, Bruce Moore, Marguerite Moore, Raymond Morgan, Samuel P. Myren, A.P. Riley, B.C. Schoembs, A.F. Scott, Clarence L. Scott, Thos. C. Sholes, S. Smith, Arthur F. Smith, Howard W. Smith, R.P. Smythe, Vernon V. Sowerby, J.H. Spies, Chester B. Box 230Spahr, Robt. H.Stabler, M.E. Stacey, R.A. Stanbery, F.E. Stark, Hal C. Stecher, Melville Stout, Oliver Z. Swan, S.D. Snyder, W.G. Tallman, Elmer W. Taylor, Louis R. Tesch, W.W. Thomas, D.F. Thomson & Vandiveer, Timponi, E.J. Tupper, Chas. B. Turner, E.B. Wagner, Charles Waldo, D.B. Warner, G.Y. Webster, H.A. Welzel, E. Wayne West, Adelaide Whitehead, Geo. Wilkin, Joseph M. Williams, Alfred Wilson, Chas. L. Wilson, Grover Winegarner, R.L. Winterberg, L.A. Withey, F.N. Wolfsohn Musical Bureau Woodward, F.R.E. Worley, V.C. Wyche, Geo. G. Birmingham Office Box 231Birmingham OfficeAmundson, Paul Behymer, L.E. Bland, Henry Brake, D.Hale Brett, Ralph Brown, R.W. "It Pays to Advertise" Co., Box 232McClure, W.F.Paterson, Neil Paulsen, Helen B. Pavley-Oukrainsky Ballet Peace, Geo. Fletcher Pearson, Geo. Peck, W.D. Pearsons, E.B. Price, J.S. Purl, R.K. Racey, Ed F. Radanovits, Sandor Rahn, Wm. A. Rhoades, Loren S. Rochelle, Alvis Cashier's outfits Crews, Circuit Firestone, Eli Box 233Harrington, O.R.Harris, Ernest E. Hughes, J.T. Madden, Florence Meacham Mercantile Agency Modoc Consolidated Mines Co. Moore, Chas. W. Reno, Edward Shayler, Rev. Webb, E.A. Wetsel, Clarence L. Whitney, F.M. Wilson, Eugene Wilson, Hugh Box 234Bottorff, W.A.Echols, H.O. Edwardsm, Bernice Edwards, L.A. Eldred, Harry C. Elliott, Harold W. Emmert, F.V. Evraets, J.F. Rarrington, F.S. Farrington, Mary C. Ferris, Ethel Foote, J.E. Foster, Charles Vernon Merle, Wm. Fulrath Fulton, Lt. Vincent M. Goodman, G.A. Goodwin, Dela Gorman, Thomas Graf, Paul Graham, T.H. Grant, Arthur G. Greist, Arnold Griffith, Miss Rachel Grigsby, Mrs. Sam Guyer, Carlos Gylleck, Elmer A., Myers, Charles O. Thomas, O.W. Box 235Hathaway, Geo. P.Boston Office Box 236Boston OfficeDamron, J.S. Dana, J.N. Daniels, Chas. Darlye & Taylor Davidson, L.E. Deagan, J.C. Deardruff, H.E. DeNio, E.W. Dennison Mfg. Co. Denton, Hal P. Conv, Denver Devendorf, Geo. E. Devoe, James E. Dexter, Frank H. Dobson, F.C. R.R. Donnelly & Sons Drama League Dukes, D.D. R.G. Dunn & Co. Dunbar, Ralph M. Edwards, F.W. Evert, J.F. Box 237Knox, William K.Lang, Fred E. Lenihan, E.G. Love, Howard Luecock, Emory W. Mitchell, Earl Pearson, Sigrid Rockwood, H. Easton Printing Co. Edgewater State Bank Ellis, C.A. Ellis, Horace Equitable Life Ins. Co. Erker Bros. Evans, Will H. Ewing, J.T. Ewing, W.A. Box 237AE.O. Excell & Co.Excelsior Ptg. Co. The Fair Faithorn Co. Famous Factories of the World Frederal Sign System Finger, Raymond First Nat'l. Bank Fitch, J.P. Flint & Douglas Montaville Flowers Foley, Eustace Form letters Fort Dearborn Bank Foster & Foster Foster, J.C. Fuller, Paul H. Fulton Bag & Cotton Mills Fulton, V.M. *Marshall Field & Co. Gilbert, J.F. Roe, Thos. Rosenblatt, Jr., F.A. Rosencrans, Leo S. Supervisors Instructions Young, J.P. Denver Office Box 238Denver Office Oberfelder, A.M. Denver OfficeBox 239Denver OfficeHagen, A.H. Haight, L.S. Hampton, Ben B. Hancock, La Tonche Harrington, Raymond Harris, A.M. Harrison, J.W. Hawkins, T.E. Haworth, Prof. D.R. Hersey, S.B. Hibsman, A.B. Holden, W.G. Holland, J.E. Hollembeak, W.L. Holmberg, H. Holter, L. Horner Committees Box 240Howell, R.L.Hudiburg, J.W. Hughes, J.T. Hughes, W.V. Hyde Park Hotel Rahn, W.A. Crotty, L.B. Shaifel, Luella Shigley, A.R. Shuey, Franklin Smith, E.C. Stansfield, James Swift, Mary E. Box 241 Swift, Mary E. Teagarden, J.R. Virden, J.B. Vivian, R.L. Wagner, Chas. L. Walker, Mrs. H.F. Williams, Alfred Gage Ptg. Co. Gallaher, A.H. Gamble Hinged Music Co. Garrett, Lloyd F. General Paper & Twine Co. Gerhardt, Edith Gilbert, J.J. Globe Wernicke Co. Goes Litho Co. Gordon, F.E. Graham, T.F. Graves, Chas. E. Gray, M.A. Green, Daniel Gund Mfg. Co Gunderson, C.E. Hall, C.B. Harrison Mattie, Harrison, W.V. Hawkeye Fellowship Club Hawkins, Lester Heerin, Arthur Hein, R.M. Hershey, S.B. Holland, C.S. Honan, Paul Howard, Rae Innes, W.W. Miller, C.L. Miller, H.H. Sarrett, J. Milton Shaw, C.A. Simpson, H.N. Box 242Smith, Miss M.J.Smith, W.Y. Spahr, R.H. Stephenson, O.B. Stoll, H.C. Stevenson, N.N. Stupfell, F. Switzer, C.R. Wilson, Hugh Woodward, F.R.E. Brett, Ralph Burger, A.M. Reyard, S.O. Riley, B.C. Sale, Inez Brown Schaffer, S. Simmons, O. Smith, H.E. Smith, R.W. Snow, J.E. Box 243Snyder, J.W.Sogge, R. Sowerby, J.H. Steele, A.L. Stibb, H. Stillson, E. L. Stonecypher, D.D. Sturgeon, H.E. Sturgeon, M.E. Sunderland, Vera Swift, Mary Wagne C.L. r, Hahn, Carl Hathaway, Fred W. Hawkins, Fred D. Healey, Frank W. Heizer, John H. Henderickson, Ira R. Huglin, J.A. Crotty, L.B. McBrien, J.S. McClure, W.F. Box 244McClure, W.F.McCracken McEwen, W.J. McIntyre McMurray, R.S. Maro, E. Morningstar, R.E. Moss, E.W. Otto, C.B. Rahn, Wm. Ray, H.E. Box 244AReno, EdwardRickert, C. Hobart Roark, Kathleen Robinson, M.C. Rock, Thos. Sando, George Savage, R.W. Schoembs, F.A. Smith, Otto G. Stephens, Louise Oberfelder, A.M. Evans, Caroline Box 245Denver OfficeDenver Committee Oberfelder, A.M. Crotty, L.B. Garrett, Dean D. Garrett, J.M. Box 246Glennie, WalterGrasse, C.A. Grill, G.W. [see MsC 150.21] Gunderson, C.E. Gwinn, Ethel Hard, Franck C. Hare, Alice Helfrich, Pearl Henry, Glenwood Heron, J.R. Hicks, Ford Hocking, Sam Hoff, John L. Holden, Wm. G. Hudson, Ava B. Huffman, I.V. Hughes, W.V. Katz, H.S. Kendall, R.M. Klans, P.A. Madden, Florence Meredith, Warner H. Pluck, Mrs. T.A. Alford, Dan D. Box 247Alford, R.B.Austin,Ray Blackwood, S.E. Bookings; 1910 Bostedo, L.G. Bridges, S.R. Clarke, Thomas J. Ellison, J.R. Hershey, S.B. Heskett, A.J. Holbrook, Harry Hummeland, Andrew Morgan, Frank Parker, P.F. Parry, J.W. Pasley, W.B. Pelham, Fred Perkins, F.O. Platform, The Pride, R. Smith, Maude Smith, R.R. Stokes, M.T. Sturgeon, Mary Walker, Winifred Whitney, F.M. Box 247AWilliams, AlfredWilliams, Earl B. Wilson, Chas. L. Wilson, Munnell Windhorst & Co. Wise, Glenn H. Smith, Alice Genevieve Smith, C.R.F. Smith, Charles Cullen Smith, Donald H. Smith, Elsdon C. Smith, Frank Smith, Geo. H. Smith, Geo. Newton Smith, Malcom Smith, Mildred Smith, Paul Smith, R.H. Smith, Roy L. Smith, R.M. Smith, Roy P. Snavely, Chas. Snider, Rev. W.C. Snively, Samuel G. Snodgrass, Ottis R. Sousa's Band Southland Artist Co. Sporr Karl, Squires, L.E. Staton, Walter Stearns, Lester M. Steigerwald, Arthur Stelzle, Charles Stengle, Charles I. Story Sidney, Stott, Rosco Gilmore Stout, John A. Stump, Lowell S. Stuty, Robert Sullinger, C.B. Swarthout, Ruth Swearinger, Victor C. Taylor, Theodore Thorton, H.L. Tomlinson, G.D. Towne, Olive Traynor, Frank E. Underwood, Chas. Thos. Box 248Van Cleve, HarryVeasie, H.M. Kansas City Office Horner, Chas. F. Box 249Horner, Chas. F.Kansas City Office Ackerman, Ernest Barnard, Gertrude Cary, Emmet Chase, M.W. Collins, R.J. Craig, T.A. Damron, Smith Evans, Caroline Fletcher, H.G. Graham, T.F. Grauer, J.C. Harman, P.W. Hawkins, F.D. Holbrook, Harry Box 249AHughson, H.W. Shoop, Raymond (Porter Lyceum Bureau) Sowerly, J.H. Webber, W.J.Parsons, Glenn |