Compiled by Charlotte
Canning, University of Texas at Austin
Books, Anthologies, and Dissertations
Adams, Jean Handley. Second Fiddle to Chautauqua. Springfield, Mo.: J.H. Adams, 1983.Antczak, Frederick J. and Edith Seimers. "The Divergence of Purpose and Practice on the Chautauqua: Keith Vawter's Self-Defense." Oratorical Culture in Nineteenth-Century America: Transformations in the Theory and Practice of Rhetoric. Eds. Gregory Clark and S. Michael Halloran. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1993: 208-25.
Bernheim, Alfred C. The Business of the Theatre: An Economic History of the American Theatre, 1750-1932. New York: Bloom, 1964 (1932).
Burr, Agnes Rush. Russell H. Conwell. Philadelphia: Winston, 1964.
Canning, Charlotte M. The Most American Thing in America: Circuit Chautauqua as Performance. Iowa City: The University of Iowa Press, 2005.
--------. "The Most American Thing in America: Producing National Identities in Chautauqua." Performing America: Cultural Nationalism in American Theater. Eds. J. Ellen Gainor and Jeffery D. Mason. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1999. pgs. 91-105.
--------. "Under the Brown Tent: Chautauqua in the Community Landscape." Theatre and Landscape: Scenes of the Twentieth Century. Eds. Elinor Fuchs and Una Chaudhuri. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press. (in press)
Case, Victoria and Robert Ormond Case. We Called It Culture: The Story of Chautauqua. New York: Doubleday, 1948.
Curti, Merle. The Growth of American Thought. 3rd edition. New York: Harper and Row, 1964.
DaBoll, Irene Briggs and Raymond F. DaBoll. Recollections of the Chautauqua and Lyceum Circuits. Freeport, ME: Wheelwright, 1969.
Dillavou, George J. "The Swarthmore Chautauqua: An Adult Education Enterprise." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Chicago, 1970.
Ely, Richard T. Ground Under Our Feet: An Autobiography. New York: Macmillan, 1938.
Galey, Mary. The Grand Assembly: The Story of Life at the Colorado Chautauqua. Boulder: First Flatiron, 1981.
Gentile, John S. Cast of One: One-Person Shows from the Chautauqua Platform to the Broadway Stage. Urbana: University of Illinois Press: 1989.
Gould, Joseph E. The Chautauqua Movement: An Episode in the Continuing American Revolution. New York: State University of New York, 1961.
Graham, Donald L. "Circuit Chautauqua, Middle Western Institution." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1953.
Grattan, C. Hartley. In Quest of Knowledge: A Historical Perspective on Adult Education. New York: National Board of Young Mens Christian Associations Press, 1955.
Hanscom, Warren D. Pioneers in Grease Paint. Bradenton, FL: Collins, 1975.
Harrison, Harry P. (as told to Karl Detzer) Culture Under Canvas: The Story of Tent Chautauqua. New York: Hastings House, 1958.
Hedges, Alan R. "Actors under Canvas: A Study of the Theater of the Circuit Chautauqua, 1910-1933." Ph.D. dissertation, Ohio State University, 1976.
Horner, Charles F. Strike the Tents: The Story of Chautauqua. Philadelphia: Dorrance, 1954.
Hoyt, Harlowe R. Town Hall Tonight. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice, 1955.
Hughes, Glenn. A History of the American Theatre 1700-1950. New York: Samuel French, 1951.
Hurlbut, Jesse Lyman. The Story of Chautauqua. New York: GP Putnam and Sons, 1921.
Kent, Drew Allan. "The Circuit-Chautauqua Produced Play: Reading Historic Plays as Cultural Scripts of Social Interaction," Ph.D. dissertation, University of Texas at Austin, 1992.
Lange, Barbara Pearson and Ellen Pearson Fogg. "Swarthmore Chautauqua." Gates to Swarthmore: A Collection of Reminiscences. Ed. Maud L. Bishop. Swarthmore: Swarthmore College, 1963: 21-26.
Lewis, Sinclair. Main Street. London: Jonathan Cape, 1921.
Manderson. M. Sandra. "The Redpath Bureau, an American Critic: Decision Making and Programming Methods for Circuit Chautauquas, circa 1912 to 1920." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Iowa, 1981.
McBath, James H. "The Platform and Public Thought." The Rhetoric of Protest and Reform 1878-1898. Ed. Paul H. Boase. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, 1980: 320-41.
MacLaren, Gay. Morally We Roll Along. Boston: Little, Brown, 1938.
McNamara, Brooks. American Popular Entertainment: Jokes, Monologues, Bits, and Sketches. New York: Performing Arts Journal, 1983.
Morrison, Theodore. Chautauqua: A Center for Education, Religion, and the Arts in America. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1974.
Noffsinger, John S. Correspondence Schools, Lyceums, and Chautauquas. New York: Macmillan, 1926.
Orchard, Hugh A. Fifty Years of Chautauqua: Its Beginnings, Its Development, Its Message and Its Life. Cedar Rapids, IA: Torch Press, 1923.
Perry-Cowen, Frances. Chautauqua to Opera: An Autobiography of a Voice Teacher and Daughter of a Chautauqua Pioneer. Hicksville, NY: Exposition Press, 1978.
Reynolds, Nydia Joan. "A Historical Study of the Oral Interpretation Activities of the Circuit Chautauqua 1904-1932." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, 1961.
Richmond, Rebecca. Chautauqua: An American Place. New York: Duell, Sloan, and Pearce, 1943.
-----. Woman of Texas: Mrs. Percy V. Pennybacker. San Antonio: Naylor, 1941.
Scott, Marian A. Chautauqua Caravan. New York: D. Appleton Century, 1939.
Slout, William L. Theater in a Tent: The Development of a Provincial Entertainment. Bowling Green: Bowling Green University Popular Press, 1972.
Tapia, John Edward. "Circuit Chautauquas Promotional Visions: A Study of Program Brochures, circa 1904-1932." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Arizona, 1978.
-----. Circuit Chautauqua: From Rural Education to Popular Entertainment in Early Twentieth Century America. Jefferson, NC: MacFarland, 1997.
Tarbell, Ida. All in a Day's Work: An Autobiography. New York: Macmillan, 1939.
Utlaut, Robert Lewis. "The Role of the Chautauqua Movement in the Shaping of Progressive Thought in America at the Turn of the Nineteenth Century." Ph.D. dissertation, University of Minnesota, 1972.
Vincent, Leon. John Heyl Vincent. New York: Macmillan, 1925.
"Adventures of a Chautauqua Entertainer." Literary Digest. (20 December 1913):1235 -1237.Alber, Louis J. "Does the Public Want Quality?" System. (March 1921): 373-4.
-----. "Making Up America's Mind." The Independent. 90 (9 June 1917): 475.
Albers, Everett C. "Reflections on Doing Chautauqua: Introduction." Reflections on Doing Chautauqua. Np (nd): 1-2.
Albert, Allen. "The Tents of the Conservative." Scribner's Magazine 72 (July 1922): 54-59.
Austin, Mary. "The Town that Doesn't Want Chautauqua." New Republic 7 July 1926: 195-97.
Baggott, Roland W. and Philip McKee. "Christian Culture, R.F.D." Outlook and Independent. 158 (August 1931): 428+.
Bliven, Bruce. "Mother, Home, and Heaven." New Republic 9 January 1924: 172-75.
-----. "Nearest the Hearts of Ten Million." Collier's. 72 (8 September 1923): 6-7.
Bohn, Frank. "America Revealed in Its Chautauqua." New York Times Magazine 10 October 1926: 3+.
Bray, Frank Chapin. "Chautauqua: Fifty Years Young." American Review of Reviews. 70 (July 1924): 71-76.
Bryan, William Jennings. "The Nation-Wide Chautauqua." The Independent (6 July 1914): 20-22.
Caldedre, Chester T. "What's Wrong with the American Stage?" Theatre Magazine. 17.145 (March 1913): 74-80+.
Canning, Charlotte. "The Platform Versus the State: Circuit Chautauqua's Antitheatrical Theatre." Theatre Journal 50 (October, 1998): 305-20.
Castle, Marian Johnson. "Chautauqua: The Intellectual Circus." Forum. 87 (June 1932): 369-74.
"Chautauqua." Outlook (16 March 1927): 325-26.
"The Chautauqua." Fort Dodge Messenger and Chronicle. 13 July 1923. Np.
"Chautauqua: $158,000 Saves Five-Ring Circus of Culture." News-Week. 4 (18 August 1934): 35.
"Chautauqua and Its Founder." Literary Digest. 65 (5 June 1920): 43-44.
"Chautauqua and Water." Nation. 2614 (August 1915): 168.
"Chautauqua as Usual." Nation. 105 (12 July 1917): 33.
"The Chautauqua Idea: The Most American Thing in America." The Independent. 81 (15 March 1915): 390-91.
Chautauqua in A Nutshell." Literary Digest. (8 October 1921): 27-28.
"Chautauqua Progress." Survey. 44 (24 April 1920): 146.
"Chautauqua Stars." Everybody's Magazine. 33 (September 1915): 323-34.
Crosby, W.C. "Acres of Diamonds." American Mercury. 14 (May 1927): 104-13.
"Current Tendencies in the Development of the Chautauqua Movement." Current Opinion 59 (August 1915): 115-16.
Dalgety, George S. "Chautauqua's Contribution to American Life." Current History. 34 (April 1931): 39-44.
Davenport, Walter. "Taking in the Chautauqua." Liberty 9 (August 1924): 37-39.
Detzer, Karl W. "Broadway, RFD: The Rejuvenated Chautauqua is Bigger and Better then Ever." Century 116 (July 1928): 311- 17.
Devine, Edward T. "Other Towns That Do Not Want Chautauqua--And Why." New Republic 1 (September 1926): 46-47.
Dickson, Harris. "Barnstorming With the Chautauqua." Collier's 12 (August 1916): 12+.
Dooley, Howard J. and Ricky L. Sherrod. "Chautauqua: Then and Now." Michigan Connection. (Winter/Spring 1984): 1+.
Ellerbee, Alma and Paul. "The 'I Want to Know' Club." Collier's. 68 (17 September 1921): 13+.
-----. "The Most American Thing in America." World's Work 48 (August 1922): 440-46.
Etty, Anne Suhm. "What's Wrong with Chautauqua?" Drama (March/April 1924): 213-14.
Flude, George L. "The Leaven of Chautauqua." World To-Day. 21 (September 1911) : 1120-22.
Flynn, John L. "This Quaker Professor Entertains Millions of People." American Magazine. 102 (September 1926): 58-9+.
Frank, Glenn. "The Parliament of the People." Century. 98 (July 1919): 401-16.
Fraser, Sir John Foster. "Chautauqua! How Rural America Gets Its Culture." Evening Standard (3 August 1925): np.
Glick, David T. "The Independent Chautauquas Then and Now." Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village Herald 13.2 (1984): 42-51.
Green, Lee. "Camp Chautauqua." American Way. 31.10 (15 May 1998): 46+.
Hazel, Michael V. "They Called it Chautauqua." Legacies: A Historical Journal for Dallas and North Central Texas. 8.1 (Spring 1996): 26-32.
Hibschman, Harry. "Chautauqua Pro and Contra." North American Review 22 (May 1928): 597-605.
Hilenski, Ferdinand Alexi. "Six Characters in Search of an Author: Writing the Constitutional Dialogues." Chautauqua Traveler (1985): 3.
Holcomb, Walter. "Famous Men I Have Met." Success. (February 1924): 65+.
"Holding the Home Lines." North American. (6 July 1918): n.pag.
Howard, Randall R. "Chautauqua Invades The West." Sunset. 40 (May 1918): 49-50.
Kelly, Fred C. "What 20,000,000 People Like to Hear." American Magazine. (June 1919): 32+.
Lanier, Doris. "The Early Chautauqua in Georgia." Journal of American Culture. : 9-18.
Lindeman, Eduard C. "After Lyceums and Chautauquas, What?" Bookman 65 (May 1927): 246-50.
MacArthur, Robert Stuart. "Chautauqua Assemblies and Political Ambitions." 9 (October 1905): 1074-76.
MacDonald, A.B. "Tent Universities." Country Gentleman. 12 (August 1922): 13+.
Mason, Gregory. "Chautauqua: Its Technic." American Mercury. 16 (January 1929): 274-80.
-----. "Putting the Talk in Chautauqua." Outlook. 6 (July 1921): 418-20.
-----. "Quenching America's Mental Thirst." Scribners. (May 1924): 552-58.
McClure, W. Frank. "Chautauqua of Today." American Review of Reviews. 50 (July 1914): 53-59.
-----. "Under the Big Tent." The Independent. 82 (21 June 1915): 503-04.
McCown, Robert A. "Records of the Redpath Chautauqua." Books at Iowa 19 (November 1973): 8-23.
Mead, David. "1914: The Chautauqua and American Innocence." Journal of Popular Culture 1 (Spring 1968): 339-56.
-----. "The Development of the Tent Chautauqua." Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village Herald. 13.2 (1984): 32-39.
Miller, Melvin L. "Circuit Chautauquas in Michigan." Michigan Connection (Winter/Spring 1984): 6-7.
Montgomery, Mary. "Chautauqua: The Tradition Continues." Geico Direct. 12.2 (Spring 1998): 32-33.
"The Most American Thing in America." American History Illustrated. 27 (July-August 1992): 45.
Mott, Frank Luther. "My Chautauqua Memories." The Palimpsest. 43.5 (May 1962): 209-29.
Pearson, Paul M. "The Chautauqua Movement." Lippincott's Monthly Magazine. 78 (August 1908) 190-95.
Peterson, William J. "Chautauqua Vignettes." The Palimpsest. 43.5 (May 1962): 230-64.
"The Point of View." Scribners. 74 (July 1923): 119+.
Powell, Lyman P. "The End of a Perfect Day." Outlook. 120 (18 September 1918): 103.
Pringle, Henry F. "Chautauqua in the Jazz Age." American Mercury 16 (January 1929): 85-93.
Row, Arthur William. "Acting in Tents in Chautauqua." PoetLore 36 (Summer 1925): 222-31.
"The Secretary of State and the Chautauqua Circuit." Outlook. 105 (27 September 1917): 158-60.
Sheldon, Charles, M. "The Task of the 'Talent'." The Independent 91 (4 August 1917); 165+.
Slosson, Edwin E. "The Chautauqua Idea: The Most American Thing in America." The Independent 86 (15 May 1916): 251.
-----. "Thinking in the Open: Some Personal Impressions of Chautauqua." The Independent. 102 (12 June 1920): 356+.
Smith, Clay. "How to Get a Start in Chautauqua." Etude. 40(September 1922): 591-2+.
-----. "What the Modern Chautauqua is Doing for Music of All Kinds Everywhere in Our Country." Etude. (August 1922): 514-16.
Snyder, Eldon E. "The Chautauqua Movement in Popular Culture: A Sociological Analysis." Journal of American Culture 8 (Fall 1985): 79-90.
Strother, French. "The Great American Forum." World's Work. 24 (September 1912): 551-64.
Stubblefield, Harold W. "The Idea of Lifelong Learning in the Chautauqua Movement." Adult Education 31 (Summer 1981): 199-208.
Talley, Truman H. "The Chautauquas: An American Achievement." World's Work. 42 (June 1921): 172-84.
Tarbell, Ida M. "A Little Look at the People." Atlantic Monthly. 119 (May 1917): 602-10.
Tebbel, John. "Chautauqua: A Nostalgic Salute." Saturday Review (11 January 1969): 123-22.
Terry, J. William. "How About Chautauqua?" Overland Monthly. 82 (July 1924): 310-11.
Thompson, Carl D. "Is the Chautauqua a Free Platform?" New Republic. 17 (December 1924): 86-88.
Thorton, Harrison John. "Chautauqua in Iowa." Iowa Journal of History 50 (2 April 1952): 97-122.
Towns, W. Stuart. "The Florida Chautauqua: A Case Study in American Education." Southern Speech Communication Journal. 42 (Spring 1977): 288-45.
Tozier, Roy B. "A Short Life History of the Chautauqua." American Journal of Sociology 40 (July 1934): 69-73.
Trachtenberg, Alan. "'We Study the Word and Works of God:' Chautauqua and the Sacralization of American Culture." Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village Herald 13.2 (1984): 3-11.
Underwood, Julia C. "The Chautauqua Movement." The Independent. 61 (2 August 1906): 246-50.
"The Uplift of Chautauqua Week." Literary Digest (18 October 1913): 684-85.
Vincent, George E. "What is Chautauqua?" Independent (6 July 1914): 17-19.
Wiggam, Albert E. "Is Chautauqua Worth While?" Bookman (June 1927): 399-406.
Wilson, Edna E. "Canvas and Culture: When Chautauqua Comes to Town." Outlook 131 (August 1922): 598-600.
-----. "Amusement à La Carte." Designer and The Woman's Magazine. (February 1923): 30-31.
Zilborg, Gregory. "Chautauqua and the Drama." The Drama. 12.1-2 (October/November 1922): 16+.
"The Uplift of Chautauqua Week." Literary Digest (18 October 1913): 684-85.
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