Above, right and left: The front and back covers of Josely Carvalho's Diary of Images: It's Still Time To Mourn, VSW Press 1993.
Dairy of Images:It's Still Time to Mourn both begins and ends with the passage,
I insert your diary in my diary
My diary becomes your diary Josely"
- Throughout Dairy of Images:It's Still Time to Mourn, there are images of people morning, daily street fighting, soldiers, and cityscapes spaced between poetry and the author's conversation with Aboud, written in both English and Arabic.
Above: Cover of High Tension by Philip Zimmermann, Montage '93, International Festival of the Image, VSW Press.
High Tension by Philip Zimmermann has been described as "a book about the stress and anxieties of life at the end of the millennium. Using an unusual die-cut format, the physical form of the book suggests the explosive and physically damaging effects of stress. All would not apply, of course, but on some level, the conditions described seem to be universal to adult humans living in our times." |