Artists' Books - Artists
Gail Rubini


Archives and Museum Informatics - Brief Biography of Gail Rubini

Gail Rubini

Florida State University Studio Art

Above: Cover of Forever Yours by Gail Rubini, 1980.

Rubini's Forever Yours examines how relationships between men and women are structured. Each two-page spread in Rubini's artists' book is has one page that consists of only a block of text, while opposite is an image depicting plastic dolls engaging in representing various activities, photographed against a black background.

Above, left and right: One of the text and image pairings in Rubini's Forever Yours.

Above, left and right: Another pairing of text and image.


Above: The cover of Rubini's Sweet Junk by Gail Rubini, 1977.

Above: Part of the text on one page from Sweet Junk by Gail Rubini. Below these two entries is a section of text that reads "A lady came past, waddling rather than walking, and." The sentence and story are continued on the next page (below).

Above: The "White Rabbit".

Above: Another example of a block of text from Sweet Junk by Gail Rubini. The text apparently follows three separate story lines, the words in bold, the central section of text, and the one-liners that run along the bottom edge of each text page. The one-liner from the previous page (above) is continued, "leaning on the arm of a stout man with globular green". The one-liners continue, page to page, throughout the rest of the book.

Above: The image opposite "from Sweet Junk. The images are matted on colored paper which is pasted into the actual book.

Real Blue Skies by Gail Rubini, 1976.

Real Blue Skies measures 2 5/8" by 2 5/8" and is composed of a series of pages with either an altered photograph or a singular word of short phrase on each page. Real Blue Skies was made by Gail Rubini in Chicago, Illinois in 1976.

Above: Another example of an altered photograph from Real Blue Skies. This time, the image is pared with a text page .

Above: Two examples of the altered photographs in Rubini's Real Blue Skies.
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