Carl Einstein
Works in Dada era publications from the Dada Archive:
An die Geistigen! Die Pleite, no. 1, 1919, p. 2.
L'art nègre. Action, no. 9, October 1921, p. 12-16.
Bébuquin. (Translated by Yvan Goll) Action, no. 5, October 1920, p. 32-34.
Bébuquin (suite). (Translated by Yvan Goll) Action, no. 7, May 1921, p. 37-38.
Chansons Nègres recueillies. (Translated by Yvan Goll) Action, no. 8, August 1921, p. 15.
Freie Bahn dem Tüchtigen : ein Beitrag zur Demokratie. Der blutige Ernst, vol. 1, no. 4, November 1919, p. 10, 14.
Le Mauvais Message. Action, no. 8, August 1921, p. 23-28.
Pleite glotzt euch an restlos. Die Pleite, no. 1, 1919, p. 2. [Attributed to Einstein.]
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