G.W. Prescott -- Iowa Algae
Sources used ind verifying authors and spelling of names used in this index.
Algaebase [viewed 27 March 2006]
Brummitt, R.K. and C.E. Powell (eds.). 1992. Authors of Plant Names. (Kew :Royal Botanic Gardens).
Drouet, Francis. 1968. Revision of the Classification of the Oscillatoriaceae. (Philadelphia : Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia).
The International Plant Names Index [viewed 27 March 2006]
Prescott, G.W. Algae of the Western Great Lakes Area. Dubuque, Iowa : Wm. C. Brown, c1962.
Smith, Gilbert Morgan. 1920-1924. Phytoplankton of the Inland Lakes of Wisconsin. (Madison : University of Wisconsin)
Smith, Gilbert Morgan. 1926. The Plankton Algae of the Okoboji Region. Trans. American Microsc. Soc. 45(3) p. 156-233.
Smith, Gilbert Morgan. 1950. The Fresh-water Algae of the United States. 2nd ed. (New York : McGraw-Hill).
Tilden, Josephine. 1910. Minnesota Algae. Vol. I.. (Minneapolis : The University of Minnesota).
West, G.S. and F.E. Fritsch. 1927. A Treatise on the British Freshwater Algae. (Cambridge : Cambridge University Press).